

Review and Appraisal of the Beijing Declarationa dn Platform for Action and the Outcome Document of the 23rd Special Session of the General Assembly

Official Documents

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  • E/CN.6/2005/L.1 [ ]
    Declaration adopted by the Commission on the Status of Women
    at its forty-ninth session as orally amended.
  • E/CN.6/2005/1  [ ]
    Annotated provisional agenda and proposed organization of work.
  • E/CN.6/2005/2  [ ]
    Report of the Secretary-General on the Review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome documents of the special session of the General Assembly entitled “Women 2000: gender equality, development and peace for the twenty-first century”
  • E/CN.6/2005/3 [ ]
    Report of the Secretary-General on measures taken and progress achieved in the follow-up to and implementation of the Fourth World Conference on Women and to the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, with an assessment of progress made on mainstreaming a gender perspective within the United Nations system.
  • E/CN.6/2005/4 [ ]
    Report of the Secretary-General summarizes the situation of Palestinian women between October 2003 and September 2004, in reference to Economic and Social Council resolution 2004/56 of 23 July 2004. It reviews the unfolding humanitarian and socioeconomic crisis in the situation of women and provides an overview of the assistance
    provided to Palestinian women by entities of the United Nations system, in particular with regard to economic activities, humanitarian assistance, education and training, health, the human rights of women, and the media and advocacy. The report concludes with recommendations for consideration by the Commission on the Status of Women.
  • E/CN.6/2005/5 [ ]
    Report of the Secretary-General on the situation of women and girls in Afghanistan.
  • E/CN.6/2005/6 [ ]
    Report on the joint work plan of the Division for the Advancement of Women and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.
  • E/CN.6/2005/7 [ ]
    Note by the Secretary-General on Report of the United Nations Development Fund for Women
    on its activities to eliminate violence against women.
  • E/CN.6/2005/8 [ ]
    Letter from the President of the Economic and Social Council to the Chairperson of the Commission on the Status of Women.
  • E/CN.6/2005/11 [ ]
    Final Report on the 49th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
  • E/CN.6/2005/11/CORR.1 [ ]
    Corrigendum of the Final Report on the 49th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women

Background Information  

  • E/CN.6/2005/CRP.1   [ A C E F R S ]
    The present note reflects the results, including decisions taken, of the thirty second session of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women,
    which was held in New York from 10 to 28 January 2005.
  • E/CN.6/2005/CRP.2   [ A C E F R S ]
    Discussion guide on the Commission on the Status of Women High-level round table.
    Note by the Bureau of the Commission on the Status of Women
  • E/CN.6/2005/CRP.3   [ A C E F R S ]
    Proposed programme of work of the Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women and the Division for the Advancement of Women for the biennium 2006 - 2007, Note by the Secretariat
  • E/CN/6/2005-CRP.4   [ A C E F R S ]
    Note by the Secretariat as an input to the high-level segment of the
    substantive session of 2005 of the Economic and Social Council
  • E/CN/6/2005-CRP.6   [ A C E F R S ]
    Measures taken by entities of the United Nations system in promoting the implementation of the twelve critical areas of concern, note by the Secretariat
  • E/CN/6/2005-CRP.7   [ A C E F R S ]
    Regional Processes in preparation for the Review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome documents of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly during the forty-ninth session of the Commission on the Status of Women
  • E/CN/6/2005-CRP.7/ADD.1   [ A C E F R S ]
    Seventh African Regional Conference on Women (Beijing + 10)
    Decade Review of the Implementation of the Dakar and Beijing Platforms for Action: Outcome and the Way Forward,
    Addis Ababa, 12-14 October 2004
  • E/CN/6/2005-CRP.7/ADD.2   [ A C E F R S ]
    Economic Commission for Europe, Regional Preparatorv Meeting for the 10-year Review of Implementation of the Beiiing Platform for Action, 14-15 December 2004, Report
  • E/CN/6/2005-CRP.7/ADD.3   [ A C E F R S ]
    Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, Report of the Ninth Session of the Regional Confernece on women in Latin America and the Caribbean, Mexico City, 10-12 June 2004
  • E/CN/6/2005-CRP.7/ADD.4   [ A C E F R S ]
    Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific,
    Report of the High-Level Intergovernmental Meeting to Review Regional Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and its Regional and Global Outcomes, Bangkok, 7-10 September 2004
  • E/CN/6/2005-CRP.7/ADD.5   [ A C E F R S ]
    Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
    Report of the Arab Regional Conference Ten Years After Beijing: Call for Peace, Beirut, 8-10 July 2004
  • E/CN/6/2005-CRP.8   [ A C E F R S ]
    Panel discussion entitled “Addressing the linkages between the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome document of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly and the internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration: progress, gaps and challenges”
    Summary submitted by the Moderator (Kyung-wha Kang)