


在网络挑战赛上, 15支年轻创新者团队在开发创意,从防止和打击暴力极端主义到尖端工具方面展示了解决方案并接受了专家指导。图片来源:反恐办公室




  联合国反恐怖主义办公室在新技术领域内有若干举措。“网络安全和新技术”方案旨在加强会员国和私营组织防止和削弱恐怖主义分子和暴力极端分子滥用技术发展的能力。这包括在尊重人权的同时,应对恐怖主义分子对关键基础设施发动网络攻击造成的威胁,在尊重人权的同时, 开发利用社交媒体收集开源信息和数字证据,打击网络恐怖主义和暴力极端主义。










Cybersecurity mandate

During the sixth review of the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy (A/RES/72/284), Member States expressed concern at the increasing use by terrorists of information and communications technologies (ICT), in particular the internet and other media, and the use of such technologies to commit, incite, recruit for, fund or plan terrorist acts. Member States further noted the importance of cooperation among stakeholders in the implementation of the Strategy, including among Member States, international, regional and sub regional organizations, the private sector and civil society.

In resolution 2341 (2017), the Security Council Calls upon Member States “to establish or strengthen national, regional and international partnerships with stakeholders, both public and private, as appropriate, to share information and experience in order to prevent, protect, mitigate, investigate, respond to and recover from damage from terrorist attacks on critical infrastructure facilities, including through joint training, and use or establishment of relevant communication or emergency warning networks.”

Madrid guiding principles

Security Council text S/2015/939 (Madrid guiding principles) adopts a set of guiding principles to stem the flow of foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs):

Guiding principle 25:?Member States should consider reviewing national legislation to ensure that evidence collected through special investigative techniques or from countries of destination or evidence collected through ICT and social media, including through electronic surveillance, can be admitted as evidence in cases related to foreign terrorist fighters, while respecting international human rights law, including freedom of expression”.

Guiding principle 26:?Member States should build ICT and forensic capacities and expertise within national law-enforcement agencies and strengthen the capacity of law-enforcement agencies to monitor social media content related to terrorism in order to prevent the flow of foreign terrorist fighters in a manner that is compliant with the international human rights obligations of States”
Security Council resolution 2370 (2017) “urges Member States to act cooperatively to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons, including through information and communications technologies, while respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms and in compliance with obligations under international law, and stresses the importance of cooperation with civil society and the private sector in this endeavour, including through establishing public private partnerships”.



  • 联合国全球反恐战略第六次审查
  • 联合国安理会第号决议
  • 联合国安理会第号决议
  • 安全理事会号文件(马德里指导原则)

