

Date Statement name
22 Feb 2024 Remarks by Mauro Miedico, Director,?United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism, on the?First BSM Workshop on Integrating New Technologies and a Human Rights-Based Approach into BSM
12 Feb 2024 Opening Remarks by Mr. Mauro Miedico, UNOCT/UNCCT, Director, on Global Compact Working Group on PCVE: Special Event in Commemoration of the “International Day?for the Prevention of Violent Extremism as and when Conducive to Terrorism”
23 Jan 2024 Opening remarks by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov, Under-Secretary-General,?United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) on High–Level Briefing to Member States on the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism’s Programmes and Projects in Central Asia: Achievements and Way Forward
16 Jan 2024 Opening Remarks (video message) by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov, Under-Secretary-General?United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism on Launch Event: “Technical support on the rights and needs of victims of terrorism through the?establishment of National Comprehensive Assistance Plans and Model Legislative Provisions”
25 Oct 2023

24th Meeting of the Advisory Board of the UN Counter-Terrorism Centre (UNCCT)

12 Sep 2023 Opening remarks by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov, Under-Secretary-General?United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) on the?Regional workshop for East Africa: countering terrorist use of improvised explosive?devices and small arms and light weapons?
5 Oct 2022

High-Level Research Launch on Examining the Intersection between Gaming and Violent Extremism

30 Jun 2022 Opening remarks by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov, delivered by Dr. Jehangir Khan, Director of UNCCT at the launch of the Good Practices in Border Security and Management in the context of Counter-Terrorism: The Republic of Korea Model, New York
10 Feb 2022 Opening remarks by?DUSG Mr. Raffi Gregorian at the?Kick-off meeting of CT TECH Project
16 Dec 2021 Video closing remarks by?Dr Jehangir Khan, Director, at the UNCCT-UNODA Biological Weapons Convention Implementation Support Unit, joint virtual training on "Biological Preparedness and Response for Nigeria"?[ ] [ ]
10 Dec 2021
7 Dec 2021 Statement by Dr Jehangir Khan, Director, at the Webinar on ‘Resilience to violent extremism through Strategic Communications’
6 Dec 2021

"Expert Roundtable on Video Games and Violent Extremism"

3 Dec 2021 Opening Statement by Dr Jehangir Khan, Director, at the UNOCT-UNCCT Conference on “Countering the use of Cryptocurrencies to Finance Terrorism”

22 Nov 2021

UNOCT-INTERPOL Launch Event “Second Edition of the Handbook for Using the Internet and Social Media for?Counter-Terrorism Investigations” – opening remarks by:

29 Oct 2021 []
25 Oct 2021 Statement by USG Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the Virtual Launch of “Human Rights at International Borders: A Trainer’s Guide”
3 Oct 2021 Video statement by UNCCT Director Dr Jehangir Khan on "Regional Capacity-building Workshop on Investigation of Terrorist Financing – the Importance of Parallel Financial Investigation”
29 Sept 2021

Launch of the Global Framework for United Nations Support on Syria and Iraq Third Country National Returnees

28 June 2021

Statement by Dr. Jehangir Khan?at?Towards sustainable peace: implementing screening, prosecution, rehabilitation and reintegration strategies in the Lake Chad Basin, a regional and national challenge
27 May 2021

Opening statement?by USG Voronkov at the 22nd Meeting of the UNCCT Advisory Board

29 March 2021 Video statement by USG Voronkov for the Regional Expert Consultation on the Gender Dimensions of PRR Approaches for Persons Associated with Boko Haram – ()
16 March 2021 Video remarks by USG at the?Virtual Regional Workshop on Fostering Judicial and Law Enforcement Cooperation and Information-Sharing,?"Addressing the terrorism-arms-crime nexus: Preventing and combatting the illicit trafficking of small-arms and light weapons and their illicit supply to terrorists." (Russian)
10 March 2021 Closing statement by Dr Jehangir Khan at the Third Expert Meeting under the Global Counter-Terrorism Forum (GCTF) Initiative on ”Ensuring the Effective Implementation of Countering the Financing of Terrorism Measures while Safeguarding Civic Space”
25 February 2021 Opening remarks by USG Voronkov at the advocacy event – Republic of Tajikistan, on project "Promoting Universalization and Effective Implementation of the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism" (Russian)
24 February 2021 Opening remarks by USG Voronkov at the Briefing for Permanent Missions on project implementation "Promoting Universalization and Effective Implementation of the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism"
29 January 2021 Statement by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the United Nations Security Council Open Arria Formula meeting – "Children and Armed Conflict. Repatriation of Children from Conflict Zones: From Camps to Homes. Call for Action."
28 January 2021

First 2021 Ambassadorial-level Quarterly Briefing to Member States:


18 December 2020 Opening Statement by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the official launch of the UNCCT-CEPOL Joint Online Training Module on the “Air Travel Cycle”
7 December 2020 Video remarks by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov for the webinar on “Security Audit” in Kazakhstan (Russian)
2 December 2020 Video statement by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov for the?International Digital Security Forum,?Vienna
16 November 2020

Remarks by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the Virtual Launch Event INTERPOL-UNCCT/UNOCT Initiative on "Global Threat Study on Non-State Actors and Their Potential Use of CBRNE Materials"


29 October 2020

27 October 2020

21st Meeting of the UNCCT Advisory Board:

6 July 2020

Virtual Counter-Terrorism Week, "Strategic and Practical Challenges of Countering-Terrorism in a Global Pandemic Environment”:

19 June 2020

20th Meeting of the UNCCT Advisory Board, New York

21 Feb 2020 Opening remarks by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov, Under-Secretary-General, UN Office of Counter-Terrorism, and Executive Director of UN Counter-Terrorism Centre,?at launching event project on addressing the terrorism-arms-crime nexus
20 Jan 2020 19th Meeting of the UNCCT Advisory Board

21 Nov 2019 Opening Remarks, Dr. Raffi Gregorian, Deputy to the Under-Secretary-General and Director, United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism, Eighth International Congress for Victims of Terrorism, Nice, France
30 Sep?2019 Statement by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the UNCCT/UNODC UNGA74 side event on "Protecting Children Affected by Terrorism: A Global Priority”, New York
26 Sep?2019 Statement by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at High-Level side event to the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly on: “International and Regional Cooperation on Countering Terrorism and its Financing Through Illicit Drug Trafficking and Organized Crime, New York
26 Sep?2019 Statement by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the High-level Side Event on Countering the Financing of Terrorism: Taking Steps Towards the Implementation of Security Council Resolution 2462 (2019) by Maximizing Synergies Between the International and Regional Contexts in Countering the Financing of Terrorism, New York
26 Sep?2019 Statement by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov, at the launch of a joint EU- UN partnership": the ‘‘Strengthening Resilience to Violent Extremism in Asia (STRIVE ASIA), New York
24 Sep?2019 Statement by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the Ministerial Meeting of the Group of Friends of Victims of Terrorism, New York
11 Sep?2019 Statement by Mr. Voronkov at the Naif Arab University for Security Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
10 Sep?2019 Statement by Mr. Steven Siqueira, Chief of Pillar I and IV, UNOCT/UNCCT on “Preventing the Spread of Violent Extremism in the Prison Context of Uganda”, Kampala, Uganda
21 Aug?2019 Closing Remarks by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov on International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism: “Surviving Terrorism: The Power of Resilience”, New York
20 Aug?2019 Statement by Mr. Voronkov at the Film Screening and Roundtable Discussion: “Resilience in the Face of Terrorism”, New York
5 June?2019 Statement delivered on behalf of Mr. Voronkov at the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (GICNT) Plenary Meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina
29 May 2019 Statement by Mr. Vladimir Voronkov at the 18th Meeting of the UN Counter-Terrorism Centre Advisory Board, New York
17 Apr 2017 Remarks by the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Gueterres at 16th Meeting of the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre Advisory Board, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
30 Oct 2017 Remarks by the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Gueterres at 15th Meeting of the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre Advisory Board
15 June 2017
15 June 2017 Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General on the United Nations Office for Counter-Terrorism
15 June 2017 Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General on the United Nations Office for Counter-Terrorism
12 Feb 2017 Opening remarks by the UN Secretary-General Antonio Gueterres at press encounter with Foreign Minister Adel bin Ahmad Al-Jubeir of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
31 May 2016 Statement by Mr. Muhammad Rafiuddin Shah at the Opening Session of the UN Capacity-Building Workshop for Technical and Vocational Training Institutes in Islamabad, Pakistan
11 Feb 2016
7 Nov 2014
17 Feb 2013 Closing Statement, Mr. Jehangir Khan (Director - CTITF Office), International Conference on Engaging Partners for Capacity-Building:United Nations' Collaboration with Counter-Terrorism Centres, 16 February, Riyadh
16 Feb 2013 Message on behalf of the Secretary- General, 16-17 February, Riyadh
16 Feb 2013 Opening Statement, Mr. Jehangir Khan (Director - CTITF Office), International Conference on Engaging Partners for Capacity-Building:United Nations' Collaboration with Counter-Terrorism Centres, 16 February, Riyadh
3 June 2012
3 June 2012 Secretary-General's remarks, Jeddah, 3 June 2012
3 June 2012 Speech of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud of Saudi Arabia
3 June 2012 Joint Summary by HRH Prince Saud al-Faisal, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia & H.E. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations