


CEDAW 31st Session

6 to 23 July 2004

The Committee held its thirty-first session at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 6 to 23 July 2004.

Provisional agenda
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Opening of the session
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Adoption of the report of the Committee on its thirty-first session
[ | | | | | ]

Countries Reporting

The following is a list of country reports from States Parties examined during this session:

(all documents are in PDF format and are available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish)

Angola Combined initial through third periodic report of Angola
         CEDAW/C/AGO/1-3    [ ]
         CEDAW/C/AGO/4-5    [ ]
           Summary record of the 655th meeting
         [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 661st meeting
         [ | | | | | ]

Fifth periodic report of Bangladesh
         CEDAW/C/BGD/5        [ ]
         Issues and Questions  [ A C E F R S ]
           Summary record of the 653th meeting
         [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 654th meeting
         [ | | | | | ] 

Fifth periodic report of the Dominican Republic
         CEDAW/C/DOM/5       [ ]
         Issues and Questions  [ A C E F R S ]
         Response                 [ A C E F R S ]
         Summary record of the 658th meeting
         [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 659th meeting
         [ | | | | | ] 

Combined second and third periodic report of Equatorial Guinea
         CEDAW/C/GNQ/2-3    [ ]
         CEDAW/C/GNQ/4-5    [ ]
         Issues and Questions  [ A C E F R S ]
         Response                 [ A C E F R S ]
         Summary record of the 651st meeting
         [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 652nd meeting
         [ | | | | | ] 

Latvia Combined initial through third periodic report of Latvia
         CEDAW/C/LVA/1-3    [ ]
         Summary record of the 657th meeting
         [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 662nd meeting
         [ | | | | | ] 

Malta Combined initial through third periodic report of Malta
         CEDAW/C/MLT/1-3    [ ]
         Summary record of the 656th meeting
         [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 663th meeting
         [ | | | | | ] 

Fifth periodic report of Spain
         CEDAW/C/ESP/5    [ ]
         Summary record of the 649th meeting
         [ | | | | | ]
         Summary record of the 650th meeting
         [ | | | | | ] 

Follow-up report to the fifth periodic report of Argentina
         CEDAW/C/ARG/5/Add.1    [ ]
         Summary record of the 660th meeting
         [ | | | | | ]

Official Documents

  • CEDAW/C/2004/II/1 [ ]
    Provisional Agenda

  • CEDAW/C/2004/II/2 [ ]
    Status of submission of reports by States parties under article 18 of the Convention, Report of the Secretary-General

  • CEDAW/C/2004/II/3/Add.1 [ ]
    Reports provided by the specialized agencies of the United Nations on the implementation of the Convention in areas falling within the scope of their activities, Note by the Secretary-General, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

  • CEDAW/C/2004/II/3/Add.3 [ ]
    Reports provided by the specialized agencies of the United Nations on the implementation of the Convention in areas falling within the scope of their activities, Note by the Secretary-General, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

  • CEDAW/C/2004/II/3/Add.4 [ ]
    Reports provided by the specialized agencies of the United Nations on the implementation of the Convention in areas falling within the scope of their activities, Note by the Secretary-General, International Labour Organization


[ A/59/38 (SUPP) ] Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women: thirtieth session (12-30 January 2004) and thirty-first session (6-23 July 2004)
Alailable in 6 UN languages:
[ | | | | | ]


Pre-session working group

The pre-session working group for the thirty-second session will take place from 26 to 30 July 2004 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

The pre-sessional working group will have a closed meeting to prepare the lists of issues and questions the following reports:
  • The combined initial, second and third periodic reports of Samoa
    CEDAW/C/WSM/1-3   [ ];
  • The combined initial, second, third, fourth and fifth periodic reports of Laos
    CEDAW/C/LAO/1-5  [ ];
  • The combined second and third periodic reports of Croatia
    CEDAW/C/CRO/2-3  [ ];
  • The second periodic report of Algeria
    CEDAW/C/DZA/2  [ ];
  • The combined second, third, fourth and fifth periodic reports of Gabon
    CEDAW/C/GAB/2-5   [ ];
  • The combined fourth and fifth periodic reports of Turkey
    CEDAW/C/TUR/4-5   [ ];
  • The combined fourth and fifth periodic reports of Italy
    CEDAW/C/ITA/4-5   [ ]; and
  • The combined third and fourth periodic reports, and the fifth periodic report of Paraguay
    CEDAW/C/PAR/3-4   [ ], and
    CEDAW/C/PAR/5   [ ]

Representatives from the United Nations system will have an opportunity to present information on these States to the working group in a closed meeting on 26 July 2004 (tentative), and the representatives from NGOs may provide their information to the working group in an informal meeting on 26 July 2004 (tentative).

Contact: Ms. Philomena Kintu, WRS/DAW, tel. (212) 963-3153

Committee to start work on general recommendation no.26. Click here for further information.

Press Releases

  • [22 July 2004]

  • [22 July 2004] Ms. Ayse Feride Acar's (20 min video) on the themes and outcomes of the Committee's current session

  • [21 July 2004]

  • [19 July 2004]

  • [16 July 2004]

  • [15 July 2004]

  • [14 July 2004]

  • [13 July 2004]

  • [12 July 2004]

  • [9 July 2004]

  • [8 July 2004]

  • [7 July 2004]

  • [6 July 2004]

  • [30 June 2004]