
Unlocking the opportunities for LLDCs in global trade: The role of the Multilateral Trading System

Sunday, 25 February 2024 - 9:00am

LLDCs Ministerial Meeting on Trade to be held in the margins of the 13 th WTO Ministerial Conference

Unlocking the opportunities for LLDCs in global trade: The role of the Multilateral Trading System


Landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) face specific constraints marked by a lack of territorial access to the sea. They remain on the periphery of major markets. Their situation is further aggravated by high transit costs and risks. Thus, trade has continued to underperform for development in landlocked developing countries (LLDCs).

Since 2004, trade has remained a core priority of both of the United Nations Programmes of Action for the LLDCs: the Almaty Programme of Action (2004-2014) and the Vienna Programme of Action (2014-2014). Yet, the trade performance of the LLDCs has nevertheless languished.

There are many opportunities to strengthen the role of trade in delivering for the development of the LLDCs. Enhanced and better targeted aid for trade, improved market access, support for digitally-deliverable services exports, and accelerated implementation of the Trade Facilitation Agreement would support the trade and productive capacities of the landlocked WTO Members, including landlocked developing countries.

The proposed ministerial meeting of LLDCs on trade organized on the sidelines of the 13th WTO Ministerial Meeting will discuss the shared challenges and opportunities faced by the LLDCs in seizing trade as a tool for their sustainable development. Specific consideration will be given on how trade can accelerate the achievement of the SDGs in the LLDCs. The meeting will therefore identify trade related priorities to include in the outcome of the Third UN Conference on LLDCs. The meeting will also agree on a common position of the LLDC Group in the context of the 13th Ministerial Conference.

>> Extended Background note


Ministerial Declaration

Download the Landlocked Developing Countries Ministerial Declaration



Provide a platform for sharing experiences faced by the LLDCs in overcoming their unique barriers to trade and to identify opportunities to further integrate the LLDCs into the global and regional trading systems.

The specific objectives of the meeting are to:

  1. Identify common positions and recommendations by the LLDCs within the context of the multilateral trading system, including specifically within the context of the Thirteenth Ministerial Conference and the future work programme of the WTO.
  2. Consider the strategic priorities of the LLDCs in the area of trade, and the multilateral and regional trading systems, for the upcoming Third United Nations Programme of Action for the LLDCs.


Expected outcome

The meeting will provide a platform for LLDCs to engage at political level and build momentum towards the third UN Conference on LLDCs. The Ministerial Meeting will, amongst others, reinforce the political commitment to a productive and successful Conference in Kigali in 2024.

The meeting will adopt an outcome document with recommendations for the preparations of the Third United Nations Conference.

The meeting will also provide a platform for the LLDCs to discuss and formulate Group position on Trade issues.

The meeting will adopt a Ministerial Declaration.


Format of the event

The event will consist of an opening session, an interactive debate, and a closing session. The interactive session will consider and discuss the role of trade in developing the LLDCs and priorities for the next Programme of Action for the LLDCs.



The Ministerial Meeting will be attended by Ministers and high-level officials from the 32 LLDCs, transit countries and development partners. Senior Officials from WTO and other international organizations will also be invited to participate, as necessary.


Date and Venue

The meeting will be held on the margins of the Thirteenth WTO Ministerial Conference to be held on 25 February 2024 in Abu Dhabi.