
Risk Reduction Hub Event: Scaling up resilience and reducing disaster risk in LLDCs

Friday, 19 May 2023 - 1:15pm to 2:45pm

Organised by Botswana Chair of Group of LLDCs, UN-OHRLLS and UNDRR


Building resilience and disaster risk reduction are key enablers to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) in particular suffer from developmental challenges and geographies that leave them disproportionately vulnerable to natural hazards. The impacts of climate change, including droughts, heatwaves, wildfires, floods, and melting glaciers, among others, negatively impact people’s livelihoods, access to water and sanitation, agricultural production, infrastructure systems, biodiversity and, ultimately achievement of the SDGs. Not only are LLDCs affected by disasters within their own border, their supply chains and economies are also impacted by disasters in neighboring transit countries. Moreover, desertification and land degradation, dependency on natural resource-based commodities, border closures, rising food and energy costs, and debt burden, as well as social economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, all have a dramatic effect on the resilience of LLDCs.


This side event will review the progress made by LLDCs in implementing the Sendai Framework; and identify actionable solutions and strategies that can be adopted, adapted or scaled up in LLDCs to improve resilience and reduce disaster risk with a focus on promoting financing, resilient infrastructure, early warning systems, data availability and cooperation with neighboring countries.

The event will encourage participants to exchange national and local experiences and practices, and suggest recommendations on how the successor of the Vienna Programme of Action can adequately address resilience building of LLDCs to disasters in coherence with the Sendai Framework and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and taking forward the findings of the Sendai Framework Midterm Review voluntary national reports from the LLDCs.


Expected Outcome

The event will increase awareness on the special vulnerabilities of LLDCs and the need for strengthened national commitment and international support to pursue a risk-informed approach to development.

The outcome will contribute to the preparatory process of the Third UN Conference on LLDCs to be held in Kigali, Rwanda in June 2024.


Participants will include Member States, United Nations entities, as well as representatives from other international and regional organizations, academia, the private sector and civil society.


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