
UN-OHRLLS Calendar 2021



January 2021
12-15 CDP EGM in preparation for the Triennial Review (organized by the CDP Secretariat) New York  

organized by UNESCAP

  • by the High Representative
  • Link to proceedings / Recording on

Virtual Meeting of the Friends of LDCs with the LDC Group, hosted by the Permanent Mission of Turkey

  • Statement by the High Representative
  • Report - UN Support to LDCs by UN-OHRLLS
New York  

February 2021
8 LDC5 Preparatory Committee Organisational Session New York  
16 4th Round Table Meeting of Small Island Developing States, 52nd United Nations Statistics Commission - 15:00 – 16:45 (Eastern Time) New York  
17 Briefing on UN efforts towards a Multidimensional Vulnerability Index for Small Island Developing States, UNDESA and OHRLLS New York  
18      Sub-regional meeting on Arab LDCs: Development Challenges and Opportunities: Evaluating the Istanbul Programme of Action (IPoA) to inform the 2020-2030 LDCs decade - Online     
22-26 Africa Regional Review Meeting in preparations for LDC5 – Virtual (organized by Government of Malawi, UN-OHRLLS and UNECA)    
22-26 Committee for Development Policy Plenary (organized by the CDP Secretariat) New York  
24 Virtual Side Event 83rd Session of the Inland Transport Committee “Sustainability of transport and trade connectivity in the Caspian Sea region in the age of pandemics” Geneva  

March 2021
2 Webinar - Impact of COVID-19 and Responses in Landlocked Developing Countries organized by UN-OHRLLS, DCO and International Think Tank for LLDCs 9 am-10:30 am NY time    
17-23 Addis Ababa  
20 Virtual High- Level Stakeholders Meeting on Promoting smooth functioning of corridors during the COVID-19 pandemic. (organised by OHRLLS and ECA)     
23 Session 7 of Aid for Trade Stocktaking Event - Impact of COVID-19 on Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) and implications for resilient recovery (organized by OHRLLS)    
23-25 (Virtual) (Organized by the WTO)    
30-31 SIDS Global Business Network Ocean Energy Webinar (Co-organised with IRENA)    

April 2021
1 Virtual Launch of the UNDP Study on “Graduation of African Least Developed Countries: Emerging Issues in a New Development Landscape”    
6 Virtual side event during ECOSOC Youth Forum entitled “Youth: Agent of Change for Transformative Recovery of LDCs”    
8 Hand in Hand Initiative: An Update on an Initiative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States. 10:30AM - 12:00PM (EDT)

New York  
6-8 Training Workshop Strengthening Capacity in developing bankable transport infrastructure projects in Landlocked and Transit Developing Countries - Africa/Latin America Region    
8 UN-OHRLLS and FAO Briefing to the LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS Groups     

Leaving no one behind: Financing Sustainable Recovery from COVID-19 in LLDCs (Virtual Side Event at 2021 Financing for Development Follow-up Forum)


Adapting development finance to address the vulnerability challenge in LDCs and other vulnerable countries

15 Debt-for-Climate Swaps for Small Island Developing States: An Innovative Approach to Preventing a SIDS Debt Crisis    
19 Meeting of the WTO Sub-Committee on LDCs – briefing by the USG on preparations for LDC5 (15:00-18:00 Geneva time)    
20 Twenty-second meeting of the Inter-Agency Consultative Group (IACG) of the United Nations system on the Implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Action (IPoA) for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs)    
23 ECOSOC special event on SIDS, LDCs and LLDCs    
23 Virtual Meeting of the Inter-Agency Task Force on LDC Graduation    
26-30 Bangkok  

May 2021
17 Inter-Agency Consultative Group Meeting for LLDCs (TBC)    
18-20 Training Workshop Strengthening Capacity in developing bankable transport infrastructure projects in Landlocked and Transit Developing Countries - Africa/Latin America Region (TBC)    
24-28 First Intergovernmental Preparatory Committee session – LDC5 New York  

June 2021
8 Expert Group Meeting on Trade, Trade facilitation and structural economic transformation    
18 Joint thematic event of the President of the General Assembly and the President of ECOSOC in preparation of LDC5    
21-24 WTO Ministerial Conference – TBC (Kazakhstan or Geneva)    
28 June - 2 July Asia-Pacific Regional Review Meeting in preparation for LDC5 (Hybrid/Virtual meetings)    

July 2021
26-30 New York  

August - September 2021
  30 August – 1 September: Future Forum - Achieving Sustainable Development in the Least Developed Countries - Towards LDC5, Helsinki, Finland    

3-8 UNCTAD XV, Bridgetown, Barbados    

November 2021

United Kingdom


December 2021

5-9 LDC5 Conference Doha, Qatar