
Statement by Ms. Rabab Fatima at the Friends of LDCs meeting

Co Chairs, Amb. Feridun H. Sinirlio?lu, Amb. Philippe Kridelka, Permanent Representative of Belgium,
Amb. Agnes Mary Chimbiri-Molande, Amb. Sheikha Alya Ahmed Al Thani,
Excellencies, Distinguished Colleagues,

Thank you for convening us today and for the warm words of welcome. Thank you also for the sumptuous Turkish hospitality.
I am one of the loudest cheerleaders and advocate of this Group, as I have witnessed firsthand how effective this Group has been in mobilizing support and consensus on the key development priorities of LDCs.

The cascading impact of the ongoing global crisis are affecting the LDCs severely and disproportionately.

They continue to bear the brunt of the worlds’ countless overlapping crises.

The fight against the COVID-19 pandemic continues.

Vaccination rates in LDCs remain unacceptably low with 34% of the population fully vaccinated, half the rate for other developing countries.

Pressure on fiscal space is increasing. Years of development gains are imperiled.

And it is against this backdrop, we will be meeting in Doha in March 2023. The good news is that we go there with the Doha POA already adopted.

DPOA implementation

Our first, most important mission, therefore, is to make the ambitions of the Doha Programme of Action a reality.
This was discussed in many meetings during the high-level week, by LDCs and their development partners. I am happy that many members of the friends of LDCs joined the high-level luncheon that was generously hosted by Qatar. Many of you also participated in the LDC Ministerial meeting and reiterated your continued support to the LDCs.

I also welcome the fact that many LDCs informed us that they have begun to mainstream the DPOA into their national development plans. But this adoption needs to be universal.

I also held bilateral meetings with a large number of leaders from LDCs and their development partners. There appeared to be a great deal of enthusiasm and expectations from the LDC5 Conference. We need to seize on this opportunity and momentum.

During the high-level week, I have heard it said again and again: “To leave no one behind, we must start with those furthest behind.”

And for this aspiration to become a reality, the Doha Programme of Action for LDCs offers an excellent package. We all need to work together, to implement this programme of action – the LDCs, their partners/friends and the UN system.

Preparations for LDC5

The upcoming LDC5 Conference in Doha provides a great opportunity to mobilize global support. Thus, I urge you to come to Doha at the highest political level with firm commitments.

The international community can demonstrate that the needs of the most vulnerable countries really are at the top of the agenda, by making this conference a success.

The substantive work on the implementation of the DPOA is already underway, and my office will report on progress made by the time of the Conference.

We have already prepared a report on a food stockholding system for the LDCs, which I will present at the Second Committee on Thursday, 13 October.

The report stresses the need to tackle the inability of LDCs to access credit, and their reliance on external public finance to address short- term emergencies.

It also reiterates the importance of a multifaceted response to reduce, and eventually eliminate, food emergencies in the LDCs.

A challenge which has become ever more prominent this year, with the rise of food global insecurity.


I am pleased to report that the Sustainable Graduation Support Facility, which was created under the Inter-Agency Task Force on LDCs graduation, chaired by my Office, has started pilot projects. Demand for its services to prepare better for graduation through capacity building in various areas is increasing and additional resources are needed.

OHRLLS signed a partnership agreement with the WTO aimed at strengthening cooperation to boost the participation of LDCs in the global trading system. In this context we are planning two regional capacity building workshops jointly with the WTO and the regional commissions– one for Africa and one for Asia.

We are also working on the roadmap for the accelerated implementation of the DPOA.

This will outline specific actions and activities by all stakeholders towards implementation, as well as address gaps and challenges in achieving the main targets. The roadmap will cover the first five years of the implementation of the DPOA, and it is meant to be a living document.

The roadmap will also be discussed at the next Inter-Agency Consultative Group on LDCs meeting, which will be held at the principals’ level. I will also brief the Senior Management Group of the Secretary-General on the preparation of the LDC5. Both are expected to be held in November.

And we are planning a retreat at the Ambassadorial level to be held in early December. This will focus on the timely implementation of the DPOA, and to build consensus around the key deliverables.

LDC5 Conference tracks

Preparations for LDC5 are in full swing, on all tracks:

? intergovernmental
? private sector
? civil society
? parliamentarians 
? and youth.

It is important to ensure the participation of all stakeholders.

During the five days of the Conference, we will have plenary sessions, eight parallel high-level thematic roundtables, side events and series of events on various tracks. There will also be an LDCs Summit on the day before the Conference. On the first day of the Conference, there will be a high-level opening and a commemoration event on the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of the Group of Least Developed Countries.

On the sidelines of the Conference, the Secretary-General will convene a United Nations system high-level event during the Conference, with a view to ensuring the full mobilization of the United Nations system in support of the least developed countries and the implementation of the DPOA.

The LDC5 Private Sector Forum, which we are co-organizing together with Microsoft, will provide opportunities to mobilize long- term investment, and finance, to support the objectives of the DPOA. The Forum will be organized around the five thematic areas of: sustainable agriculture, digital connectivity, sustainable energy, climate change and sustainable tourism.

My Office is working together with a wide range of partners to launch new initiatives and partnerships to deepen private sector engagement with the LDCs.
You may wish to encourage your companies, the private sector to join these efforts/events.

A ministerial meeting on South-South cooperation will also be an important part of LDC5. The meeting aims to explore actionable and innovative solutions of South-South cooperation to create a resilient and prosperous future for LDCs.

The Civil Society Forum will give voice to those often on the frontline of development work.

This will be an opportunity for civil society representatives from LDCs, other developing countries and development partners to meet and make plans for implementing the Doha Programme of Action.

It is also an opportunity for civil society representatives from LDCs to connect more meaningfully with their global counterparts.

This will give more insight, and better tools for them to become more involved with UN processes and programmes.

The core group has already coordinated the CSO inputs to the DPOA but others are invited to contribute to the discussions on how to take the DPOA forward.

The Interparliamentary Union and the Shura Council of Qatar are working on a Parliamentary Forum for Doha.

This will focus on how parliaments can play a stronger role in holding their governments to account, in relation to their DPOA commitments.

The Youth Forum will be another exciting addition to the Conference.

It will feature the perspectives and ideas of young people on their countries’ priorities, and on global issues.

In the run-up to the conference, youth ambassadors from each of the LDCs are meeting and collaborating on their vision for the next decade.

Their concerns and ideas is expected to be seen and heard in Doha.

My Office is in the process of launching the “LDC5 Youth Mentorship Initiative”.

This aims to build the knowledge and skills of youth in LDCs in the field of entrepreneurship, journalism, campaigning, and public service.

Finally, there will be side events to discuss new initiatives, and where different stakeholders can come together to join forces.

We know that several of you have indicated interest in hosting side events. I would like to invite you to indicate your interest at an early date, so we can make provisions accordingly.

I must put on record the extraordinary support that we have received from the Government of Qatar in preparation for the Conference, and in the implementation of the DPOA.

The Secretary-General has sent out invitation letters to the Heads of State or Government. And participation at the highest level and by all stakeholders will send a strong signal of solidarity with the LDCs.

Soon, the DGACM will issue a note to regional groups seeking the nomination of three vice-chairs of the Conference from each region.

Leading up to Doha, my Office will continue to arrange briefings on preparations, and share more information on the programme and on logistical aspects.

We will also arrange Ambassadorial level briefing for various regional groups in the days ahead.

As you can see, preparations for Doha are underway. But a lot of work remains; foremost being to ensure good participation at the Conference.

None of this will be possible without the ongoing support of the Group of Friends of LDCs.

Thank you for your support. And your attention today.