
Article 76 Trust Fund

Trust fund for the purpose of facilitating the preparation of submissions to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf for developing States, in particular the least developed countries and small island developing States, and compliance with article 76 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

Eligibility for Assistance

An application for financial assistance from the Fund may be submitted by any developing State, in particular the least developed countries and small island developing States, who are Members of the United Nations and party to the Convention.


All applications for financial assistance must clearly specify whether the application is for a reimbursement or a grant, and include an application form with the following infomation for each purpose: 

Training of technical and administrative staff

  1. A specification of the goal of the training and which positions the trainees are intended to fill afterwards; 
  2. Information on the training institute(s) in question; 
  3. A copy of the training course(s); 
  4. The curriculum vitae of the trainees, including their date of birth;  and
  5. An itemized statement of the estimated costs for which assistance is requested. 

Desktop study or other means to make an assessment of the nature of the continental shelf and its limits

  1. A short description of the aim of the study;
  2. An overview map of the area in question; 
  3. An overview, as complete as possible, of the database already available to the State; 
  4. An outline of how the work will be done and what tools are available (software and hardware); 
  5. A specification of what will be done by the State’s own staff, and what will be contracted for; and
  6. An itemized statement of the estimated costs for which assistance is requested. 

Working out of plans for the acquisition of necessary additional data and mapping projects

  1. A summary of the status of knowledge of the continental margin, preferably based on a previous desktop study; 
  2. A preliminary assessment of the needs for specific additional data and/or information in accordance with the requirements of article 76 and annex II to the Convention, and annex II to the Final Act;  and
  3. An itemized statement of the estimated costs for which assistance is requested. 

Preparation of final submission documents

  1. A specification of what kind of assistance is needed; and
  2. An itemized statement of the estimated costs for which assistance is requested. 

Air travel and daily subsistence allowance when the Commission or relevant Subcommission has invited a delegation to attend its meeting or session 

  1. A copy of the communication from the Commission or Subcommission inviting the State to attend its meeting or session;
  2. A communication from the requesting Government(s) nominating the delegate(s) which will attend a meeting or session of the Commission or subcommission, and indicating the dates during which each of the delegate(s) will be required to attend such meeting or session; 
  3. A copy of the passport information page and advice of the telephone number and email address for each delegate nominated to attend a meeting or session; and
  4. Please refer to the Section on Forms below for more information, checklist and required forms.

Advisory/consultancy assistance related to the above points

  1. A copy of the contract between the Government and the technical or scientific expert in question; and
  2. An itemized statement of the costs for which assistance is requested. 


Application for Delegations



Application for States


Assistance may be provided from the Trust Fund for the following purposes:

  1. Training of technical and administrative staff;
  2. Desktop study or other means to make an initial assessment of the nature of the continental shelf and its limits; 
  3. Working out of plans for the acquisition of necessary additional data and mapping projects; 
  4. Preparation of final submission documents; 
  5. Air travel and daily subsistence allowance for up to three members of a delegation when the Commission or relevant subcommission has invited that delegation to attend its meeting or session, except in cases where a joint submission of three or more States is being considered, for which a maximum of six members total of such a joint delegation may receive assistance; and
  6. Advisory/consultancy assistance related to the above points. 

Note: the United Nations will make arrangements for travel funded under this Trust Fund, and in all cases assistance will be provided for travel in economy class which follows the most cost-effective route, arriving the day before the proceedings and departing the evening of the last day of the proceedings, or the following day if necessary for travel-related reasons.


This trust fund was established by General Assembly resolution 55/7 which requested the Secretary-General to establish a voluntary trust fund to provide training for technical and administrative staff, and technical and scientific advice, as well as personnel, to assist developing States, in particular the least developed countries and small island developing States, for the purpose of desktop studies and project planning, and preparing and submitting information under article 76 and annex II to the Convention in accordance with the procedures of the Scientific and Technical Guidelines of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf.

The initial terms of reference were set out in Annex II to General Assembly resolution 55/7, and later amended by the annex to resolution 58/240, the annex to resolution 70/235, and the annex to resolution 73/124.