
High-level Thematic Round Table 3: Structural transformation as a driver of prosperity in least developed countries

6 March 2023, Doha time: 14:00 – 17:00
Thematic Roundtables Hall

Structural transformation is imperative for LDCs to enhance their economic resilience and achieve holistic and inclusive sustainable development on a long-term basis, focusing on sectors that can contribute most to higher productivity, enhance growth and ultimately, create decent jobs and eradicate poverty. There is no single pattern of structural transformation, but a multifaceted and well-coordinated approach involving several stakeholders is required. The Doha Programme of Action promotes the achievement of inclusive and sustainable structural transformation, capable of increasing productivity and growth, enhancing infrastructure development, especially transport and energy, connecting to global and regional value chains, strengthening the LDCs services economy and trade, and developing the private sector.

The high-level thematic round tables will focus on consensus-building to renew and reinvigorate partnerships and mobilize additional international support measures and actions in support of least developed countries to enhance their resilience to multiple shocks and accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
