

H.E. Ms. Sheila Gweneth Carey

Statement Summary

SHEILA GWENETH CAREY (Bahamas), recalling that the most severe hurricane in its recorded history hit the islands of Abaco and Grand Bahama in the country’s north in 2019, said that the security implications of climate-linked disasters like the systemic devastation caused by more frequent and more powerful storms must be addressed at the multilateral level. The resulting shocks threaten the health system, marine resources, coastal management and access to decent work. If consumption rates and greenhouse gas emissions are not reduced immediately, existing threats to its citizens will be worsened, and new and unprecedented risks will continue to emerge. The Bahamas remains dedicated to furthering the mission of the United Nations, while recognizing the complexities of the many tasks ahead. The relevance of this Organization was reaffirmed with the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic as it helped lead the fight against this disease and its aftermath.


