
Remember the Fallen

In Memoriam:  Algiers, 11 December 2007

Seventeen United Nations staff members lost their lives when a car bomb destroyed the offices of the UN Development Programme and damaged those of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. A second car bomb exploded near a court building. Secretary Ban Ki-moon visited the devastation, and brought back the tattered flag that was flying outside the UN offices in Algiers at the time fo the attack. "Torn and bruised, but still proud and unbowed, this flag symbolizes the sacrifice of our colleagues, and our determination to persevere," he stated.
A view of the UN Headquarters complex in Algeria destroyed by the 11 December terrorist attack.

A view of the UN Headquarters complex in Algeria
destroyed by the 11 December terrorist attack.
UN Photo/Evan Schneider

Statements by Secretary-General, General Assembly President and President of the Security Council,

Tributes at UN Headquarters and world-wide

The Fallen

Ms. Saadia Boucelham (UNDP)
Ms. Samia Hammoutene (UNDP)
Mr. Chadli Hamza (Consultant, UNDP)
Mr. Mohamed Khelladi (Consultant, UNDP)
Mr. Steven Olejas (UNDP)
Ms. Hind Boukroufa (UNDP)
Mr. Djamal Rezzoug (Consultant, UNDP)
Mr. Abderrahim Hanniche (ILO)
Mr. Mustapha Benbara (UNFPA)
Mr. Kamel Sait (UNFPA)
Mr. Adnane Souilah (UNFPA)
Mr. Hakim Si Larbi (UNAIDS)
Ms. Gene Luna (WFP)
Mr. Babacar Ndiaye (UNDSS)
Mr. Karim Bentebal (UNHCR)
Mr. Nabil Slimani (UNHCR)
Mr. Mohamed Laseli (UNIDO)

UNDP: United Nations Development Programme
ILO: International Labor Organization
UNFPA: United Nations Population Fund
UNAIDS: Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
WFP: World Food Programme
UNDSS: United Nations Department of Safety and Security
UNHCR: Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees
UNIDO: United Nations Industrial Development Organization