

Durban Declaration and Programme of Action

2021 marked the 20th anniversary of the (DDPA), an important milestone that offered an opportunity to reflect on


The DDPA called for concrete actions by states and other actors related to people of African descent.

Concrete actions include


What is the DDPA?

(DDPA) is the UN’s blueprint to combat racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance globally.

Although the DDPA is a political commitment that is not legally binding, it embodies the firm commitment of the international community and has a strong moral value, serving as a basis for advocacy efforts worldwide.

The DDPA is a victims centred document that emphasises the plight of victims of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. It reaffirms that States have the duty to protect and promote the human rights of all victims and should apply a gender perspective, recognising the multiple forms of discrimination.

The DDPA recognizes that no country can claim to be free of racism, that racism is a global concern, and that tackling it requires a universal effort.

Reparations for past wrongs
Professor Verene Shepher, a Social Historian and member of the says its time for action against past crimes on People of African Descent.