
Film crew travels to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to create an immersive virtual reality (VR) film on UN peacekeeping.

News and Media

The News and Media Division (NMD) produces news and features about the United Nations and its priorities, including daily print, audio, television, video, photo, digital, and social media content in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Kiswahili, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. With a global audience and wide pick-up by media, non-governmental organizations, private sector and other partners, we generate timely, accurate, impartial and freely available information about the United Nations activities around the world. We also provide a wide range of services including media accreditation to support coverage of the United Nations, live television feeds and webcasting of intergovernmental meetings, and historically rich audio-visual collections that document the history of the United Nations and its work.

UN News is the United Nations multilingual news portal, a one-stop shop for multimedia news coverage and in-depth information on UN-related issues. The products and services developed and maintained by include daily news updates and videos, features, photo essays, thematic focus pages, and interviews with UN officials and advocates who have lent their voice to UN causes. We produce a wealth of audio programming, ranging from podcasts to sound bites and raw audio for reporters, to dating back to 1948. To stay informed, you can download a free UN NewsReader app for iOS and Android devices, which provides multimedia content in eight languages, take advantage of RSS feeds, or receive news alerts by email.

A view of a UNTV Studio Technician

UN Video reports from UN Headquarters in New York and around the world, with footage direct from humanitarian crises and peace operations, and through a variety of formats, from short documentaries to social media and news videos, that put a human face on the crucial issues of our times. We also cover messages by the Secretary-General such as his . You can check out our daily news package service for UN system-wide footage packages for broadcasters.

Coverage and Media Services

Noon Briefing by Spokesperson for Secretary-General.

The Meetings Coverage Section produces an array of essential materials for the media, delegations and the general public, in and French, including and conferences. We disseminate, in print and online, remarks and statements by the Secretary-General and the Deputy Secretary-General, and information on the Secretary-General’s official activities. We also issue English verbatim transcripts and French summaries of the , as well as by delegations and UN officials. We publish press releases and backgrounders on behalf of the Secretariat, issue biographies of new permanent representatives and senior UN officials, and produce the annual round-up of the work of the Security Council and of the main session of the General Assembly.

Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit

A view of members of the press working in the media tent at UN Headquarters during the 2018 high-level week.

The Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit provides accreditation and liaison services to journalists covering activities at UN Headquarters in New York and at major United Nations conferences; facilitates media coverage of UN activities; and coordinates the provision of facilities, such as office space and equipment, to accredited correspondents. We also send out a regular media alert with information on meetings and events, and distribute UN documents, press releases and statements to accredited journalists.

Audio-Visual Services Section

The Audio-Visual Services Section provides photo, audio, and visual content to the news media, film producers, Member States and the public for coverage of the work of the United Nations. UN Photo documents developments at UN Headquarters in New York and the work of the Organization around the world. Images, including historical photo collections dating back to the first days of the United Nations, are available on the contains original footage and audio from iconic moments of UN history, meetings and events, and curated collections such as UN Radio Classics which date back to 1948 and feature the voices of Dag Hammarskj?ld, Nelson Mandela, Audrey Hepburn, and others. Films, videos and audio recordings are available upon request.

Secretary-General on camera.

UN Television covers events happening at UN Headquarters in New York and Geneva and at many major UN global conferences and distributes broadcast-quality feeds to media organizations.

Security Council Members Hold Open Videoconference in Connection with Political Situation in Syria

provides live and on-demand streaming coverage of United Nations meetings and events directly to a global audience through multiple platforms and mobile devices.

Web Services Section

A young man visits UN Website.

The Web Services Section is responsible for , the main United Nations website, and its overall governance, including on and standards. We produce content and offer web design services. Working in the six official languages of the UN, we coordinate and manage the content of the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish versions of UN.org. We support the online presences of the , the , the , the Secretary-General, and the President of the General Assembly, and provide guidance to UN offices about creating, enhancing and marketing their websites in all official UN languages, including through Search Engine Optimization.

Partnerships Unit

First Theme flight on United Dream in 2018.

The Partnerships Unit establishes partnerships with an array of organizations, including online publishers, mobile platforms and broadcasters, to expand our reach to new audiences around the world.

Digital Support Unit

Admin page of SDG website.

The Digital Support Unit provides technology solutions for digital content management, production, publication and distribution as well the analytics on major UN web and social media platforms.