Harmony Unites: UN Chamber Music Society Virtual Concert for Peace in the Middle East
In support of the relief efforts of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)

Thursday, 26 October 2023
@9:00am EST (New York time)

UN WebTV:?
UN Global YouTube:?


Sending solidarity and support to the Middle East and its people in the face of the humanitarian catastrophe – on 26 October 2023, the UN Chamber Music Society of the United Nations Staff Recreation Council (UNCMS), will present a virtual concert in support of the relief efforts of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).? A massive humanitarian operation continues, and the UN and its partners are rapidly ramping up efforts to provide life-saving assistance.? 爆料公社 is on the ground to deliver emergency relief items – including food, medicine, water, fuel, shelter, blankets, hygiene kits, and other humanitarian aid.

Music binds us together in these darkest moments.? Through compassion, the musicians of UN Chamber Music Society, under the Artistic Direction of Brenda Vongova – together with violinist Yamen Saadi, Concertmaster at the Vienna Philharmonic and West-Eastern Divan Orchestra (founded by Maestro Daniel Barenboim and the late literary scholar Edward Said to promote coexistence and intercultural dialogue); and violinist David Strongin, from the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra – will perform a concert to support the Middle East.?

All donations will be directed to support the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), in support of the UN’s relief efforts to provide lifesaving assistance in the face of the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding in the Middle East. Founded in 2016, the UN Chamber Music Society carries out the United Nations’ mission of peace, understanding and cooperation, through the universal language of music.?


Support the relief efforts of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) - by donating to:



Melissa Fleming
UN Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications

Philippe Lazzarini
Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East?(UNRWA)

UN Chamber Music Society?of the United Nations Staff Recreation Council?Brenda Vongova, Artistic Director


Musicians from the West–Eastern Divan Orchestra

Music Programme

ERNEST BLOCH (1880 - 1959)? Baal Shem: II.?Nigun

David Strongin (Violin), Brenda Vongova (Piano)

MOHAMMED FLAYFEL (1899 - 1986) Mawtini
Hana Mundiya (Violinist), Naoko Nakajima (Violinist), Florrie Marshall (Violist), Jakob Taylor (Cellist), Brenda Vongova (Piano)

GABRIEL FAURE? (1845 - 1924)? Les Berceaux
Yamen Saadi (Violin), Brenda Vongova (Piano)


UN Department of Global Communications

United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East?(UNRWA)

Ziad Ayad

Mohammed Shaker

James Wu, Recording Engineer

Recording of Bloch’s Nigun:
High Line Nine

Christina Maxwell, Manager

Rebecca Dixuan Bai, Video Editor