
Population Commission, sixth session

23 April 1951 to 04 May 1951


  1. Election of officers
  2. Adoption of the agenda
  3. Report of the Secretary-General
  4. Preliminary consideration of "findings of studies on the relationships between population trends and economic and social factors".
  5. Studies of inter-relationships of demographic, economic and social factors in particular areas : India, other possible areas
  6. Problems connected with 1950 and 1951 censuses of population
  7. Development of standards for registration and compilation of vital statistics
  8. Appraisal of quality of demographic statistics
  9. Improvement of migration statistics: revision of draft recommendations
  10. Studies of demographic aspects of migration
  11. Studies of mortality and mortality rates
  12. Demographic aspects of the problem of retired and aged persons
  13. Regional seminars on population problems
  14. Demographic aspects of the programmes of regional commissions of the Economic and Social Council
  15. Proposal of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population for a world population conference
  16. Other items
  17. Future work and priorities