
Population dynamics is focus of online discussion (UN Photo/Kibae Park)

Population dynamics is focus of online discussion

Building on the progress of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the world community is working on a new development agenda to take effect when the MDGs expire in 2015. To help shape the path forward, online consultations are being launched on a variety of different topics to gather perspectives from people from across the globe. Just launched is a discussion focusing on population dynamics.

“This is an opportunity for all stakeholders to participate in a global conversation about the future of the post-2015 development agenda. We are hoping for a lively and stimulating debate and we count on your views and suggestions on the online platform just launched on population dynamics,” said Ms. Shamshad Akhtar, the Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development in DESA.

DESA and its divisions are fully engaged in these consultations, arranged with support from Civil Society organizations (CSOs) and taking place on a new and inclusive web platform launched by the UN and CSOs called “The World We Want 2015”. Together with UNFPA, UN-HABITAT and the Government of Switzerland, and with support from the International Organization of Migration, the International Labor Organization and UN-Women, DESA has prepared a web space on this platform to stimulate dialogue and to facilitate an exchange of ideas and viewpoints on population dynamics.

The web space also provides information within different focus areas including on population levels and trends; population growth; international migration; youth; urbanization; ageing; and, population and sustainable development.?

The MDGs have improved the lives of millions, but more action is still needed for the many emerging and pressing challenges of today and the future. With these consultations,?it is the hope that an inclusive process such as this will help identify a mutually agreed upon development agenda?that will build a more just and sustainable world in the future.

Take part in the consultation and make your voice heard on population issues!

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