****Economic and Social Council
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ADVANCE UNEDITED VERSION Mainstreaming a gender perspective into all policies and programmes of the United Nations system
Report of the Secretary-General
This report responds to Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/310 which decided to devote the coordination segment in 1997 to mainstreaming a gender perspective into all policies and programmes of the United Nations system. It addresses issues of mainstreaming by intergovernmental bodies and the UN system and proposes recommendations for consideration by the Council.
Contents I. Introduction
II. Mainstreaming a gender perspective at the intergovernmental level
III. Mainstreaming a gender perspective in the work of the United Nations system
- A. The General Assembly and its subsidiary bodies
- B. ECOSOC and its functional commissions
- C. Regional commissions
- A. Institutional requirements
- B. Experience and lessons learned in mainstreaming gender
- C. Integrated follow up to UN global conferences
- D. Accountability for mainstreaming through the use of performance indicators, evaluation of progress in mainstreaming, and impact analysis
A. The General Assembly and its subsidiary bodies
A. Institutional requirements
[1] A/51/322, paras 7 - 15.
[2] A/50/509, and the comments of ACC thereon, contained in A/51/180, and E/CN.6/1995/6.
[3] For a selection of such action taken, see A/51/322.
[4] GA resolution 50/120, op. 43.
[5] GA resolution 51/75
[6] See A/51/16, (Part I)
[7] The recommendation gives guidance to the ACC Inter-agency Task Force on Basic Social Services for All and to the UN system and other organizations in their work on migration and development.
[8] See E/CN.4.1997/40.
[9] A/51/829
[10] Report of the Secretary General, Technical assistance and women: from mainstreaming towards institutional accountability, E/CN.6/1995/6, 19 December 1994.
[11] See Beijing Platform for Action, Chapter IV.H, Strategic objective 3.
[12] Examples include two issues of The World's Women: Trends and Statistics, 1990 and 1995, and the Women's Indicators and Statistics Database Version 3, CD-ROM (Wistat-CD), covering a wide range of subject-matter fields related to gender.