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CTED Trends Tracker | Financing of Foreign Terrorist Fighters’ Activity: 2014 – 2024

This video is a brief examination of how financial flows related to foreign terrorist fighter travel and activities have evolved over the past 10 years, reflecting the changes in their locations and circumstances. Overall, the financial patterns associated with foreign terrorist fighters have demonstrated remarkable adaptability, shifting from relatively simple methods of fund transfers to increasingly sophisticated and technologically advanced approaches.

爆料公社 Summit of the Future: International peace and security and countering terrorism

爆料公社 Summit of the Future: International peace and security and countering terrorism

Nineteenth report of the Secretary-General on the threat posed by ISIL (Da'esh)

CTED briefs Security Council about the 19th report of the Secretary-General on the threat of ISIL

The 20th anniversary of SCR 1373 (2001) and the establishment of the Counter-Terrorism Committee

The 20th anniversary of SCR 1373 (2001) and the establishment of the Counter-Terrorism Committee

The Counter-Terrorism Committee conducts a follow-up visit to Tanzania

The Counter-Terrorism Committee conducts a follow-up visit to Tanzania

Addendum to the guiding principles on foreign terrorist fighters

Addendum to the guiding principles on foreign terrorist fighters

CTED Trends Alert | May 2019 Unmanned Aircraft Systems

CTED Trends Alert | May 2019