Special high-level meeting of the ECOSOC with the BWIs, WTO and UNCTAD
Pursuant to ECOSOC resolution 2009/30 of 31 July 2009, the overall theme of the meeting was “Building on Monterrey and Doha: towards achieving the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals”. Following a short opening plenary, with brief statements by relevant intergovermental representatives, the meeting consisted of three consecutive informal thematic debates, as follows:
- Thematic debate 1: “Mobilizing domestic and international resources to fund existing and emerging MDG implementation gaps”;
- Thematic debate 2: “Supporting rehabilitation, recovery and development efforts of developing countries with special needs and those facing humanitarian emergency situations”;
- Thematic debate 3: “Enhancing coherence and consistency of the international monetary, financial and trading systems in support of development”.
The thematic debates were held consecutively in an informal setting of the whole, in order to facilitate a dynamic and interactive dialogue and to promote an open exchange of views and experiences among all stakeholders, including civil society and the business sector. The meeting has resulted in a summary by the President of ECOSOC as a substantive input to the preparation of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly on MDGs (New York, 20-22 September 2010).
- For Member States, Observers and accredited intergovernmental organizations registration has been open with the Secretary of the Economic and Social Council, following an announcement in the Journal of the United Nations.
- List of World Bank participants
- List of IMF participants
- List of civil society speakers (with links to presentations)
- List of business speakers
- Provisional list of participants
Background Information
- Background Information on organizational matters
- ECOSOC President’s letter of 25 March 2010
- Concluding remarks by the President of ECOSOC
- Press releases:
- Programme (with links to presentations)
- UN Journal Announcement:
- Letter of 12 February 2010 by the President of ECOSOC on the substantive focus and format of the Special high-level meeting
- Background Information on substantive matters