
Featured Update

Delegates Welcome Positive Momentum and Spirit of Compromise in Negotiations on Anti-Racism Conference

"The working group meeting, as well as the 20-24 April Review Conference, will be held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva."
"The working group meeting, as well as the 20-24 April Review Conference, will be held at the Palais des Nations in Geneva."

At a meeting on Thursday, 2 April, of the working group charged with negotiating a draft outcome document for the up-coming anti-racism Durban Review Conference, government representatives expressed confidence about a successful outcome of the conference and renewed momentum in the battle against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.

The Durban Review Conference, to be held in Geneva from April 20 – 24, will assess implementation of commitments made by governments at the 2001 World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance.

The most recent version of the draft outcome document for the conference, which was proposed by the chair of the working group last month, received broad support from all regions as a good basis for negotiation in this first full meeting of the group since the document’s release. Delegates consistently praised the flexibility and spirit of compromise that had resulted in the current version of the document. Most said the document needed only fine-tuning.

Some representatives said they had further suggestions they wished to make on the document when the formal session of the working group begins next week. However, all stressed that they would work to ensure that consensus on the final outcome document could be achieved. They said it was vital for the victims of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance around the world that states work together to ensure a successful and meaningful review conference.

The next formal session of the working group will take place from April 6-9. That session will be followed by an April 15-17 Preparatory Committee meeting before the conference itself, which will be from April 20-24.





