
Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS)
Membership of the Commission from 1997 to 2022


    In accordance with the provisions of article 2 of Annex II to the Convention, "the Commission shall consist of twenty-one members who shall be experts in the field of geology, geophysics or hydrography, elected by States Parties to the Convention from among their nationals, having due regard to the need to ensure equitable geographical representation, who shall serve in their personal capacities".

    On 14 June 2017, the Twenty-seventh Meeting of States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea elected 20 members of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf for a term of five years, commencing from 16 June 2017 and ending on 15 June 2022. The election of a twenty-first member of the Commission will take place at a time to be determined.

    The members of the Commission are:



Name Nationality Curriculum vitae
Al-Azri, Adnan Rashid Nasser Oman
Awosika, Lawrence Folajimi Nigeria
Campos, Aldino Portugal
Garcez Faria, Antonio Fernando [elected on 8 December 2021] Brazil SPLOS/31/CRP.1
De Landro-Clarke, Wanda-Lee Trinidad and Tobago
Glumov, Ivan F. Russian Federation
Heinesen, Martin Vang Denmark
Kalngui, Emmanuel Cameroon
Madon, Mazlan Bin Malaysia
Mahanjane, Estevao Stefane Mozambique
[Marques, Jair Alberto Ribas passed away on 18 July 2021]* Brazil
Mazurowski, Marcin Poland
Moreira, Domingos de Carvalho Viana Angola
Mosher, David Cole Canada
Njuguna, Simon Kenya
Park, Yong Ahn Republic of Korea
Paterlini, Carlos Marcelo Argentina
Raharimananirina, Clodette Madagascar
Tang, Yong China SPLOS/CRP.2
Yamazaki, Toshitsugu Japan
Yáñez Carrizo, Gonzalo Alejandro Chile

Officers of the Commission:


    Mr. Adnan Rashid Nasser Al-Azri (from 17 December 2019 until the expiration of the current term of office)

         During the previous two and a half year term, the Commission was chaired by Mr. Yong Ahn Park from 16 June 2017 until 16 December 2019.


   Messrs. Martin Vang Heinesen, Marcin Mazurowski, Simon Njuguna and Gonzalo Alejandro Yáñez Carrizo

         During the previous two and a half year term, the Vice-Chairs of the Commission were Messrs. Ivan Glumov, Martin Vang Heinesen, Jair Alberto Ribas Marques and Simon Njuguna.

Subsidiary bodies:

  • Committee on Confidentiality

            Members: Aldino Campos, Estevao Stefane Mahanjane, Marcin Mazurowski, Toshitsugu Yamazaki and Gonzalo Alejandro Yáñez Carrizo

            The Committee elected Mr. Campos as its Chair and Mr. Mahanjane as Vice-Chair.

  • Committee on provision of scientific and technical advice to coastal States

            Members: Lawrence Folajimi Awosika, Wanda-Lee De Landro-Clarke, Mazlan Bin Madon, Marcin Mazurowski and David Cole Mosher.

            The Committee elected Mr. Madon as its Chair and Mr. Awosika as Vice-Chair.


    On 6 and 7 June 2012, the Twenty-second Meeting of States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea elected 20 members of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf for a term of five years, commencing from 16 June 2012 and ending on 15 June 2017. At that time, the election of 1 member of the Commission has been postponed. On 19 December 2012, the Meeting of States Parties elected Mr. Szymon Uscinowicz (Poland) as member of the Commission. His term of office started on 19 December 2012 and will end on 15 June 2017.

    On 16 January 2015, the Chairperson of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (the "Commission") received a letter from Mr. George Jaoshvili, member of the Commission nominated by Georgia, conveying his decision to resign from his position as a member of the Commission.






Curriculum vitae

Arshad, Muhammad


From SPLOS/240

Awosika, Lawrence Folajimi


From SPLOS/240

Carrera Hurtado, Galo


From SPLOS/240

Charles, Francis L.

(Trinidad and Tobago)

From SPLOS/240

Glumov, Ivan F.

(Russian Federation)

From SPLOS/240

Haworth, Richard Thomas

(Canada and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

From SPLOS/240

Heinesen, Martin Vang


From SPLOS/240

Kalngui, Emmanuel


From SPLOS/240

Lyu, Wenzheng


From SPLOS/240

Madon, Mazlan Bin


From SPLOS/240

Mahanjane, Estevao Stefane


From SPLOS/240

Marques, Jair Alberto Ribas


From SPLOS/240

Njuguna, Simon


From SPLOS/240

Oduro, Isaac Owusu


From SPLOS/240

Park, Yong Ahn

(Republic of Korea)

From SPLOS/240

Paterlini, Carlos Marcelo


From SPLOS/240

Ravindra, Rasik2


Curriculum vitae

Roest, Walter R.


From SPLOS/240

Urabe, Tetsuro


From SPLOS/240

Uscinowicz, Szymon



1 Mr. Leder was elected at the twenty-fifth Meeting of States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea to fill the vacancy due to the resignation of Mr. George Jaoshvili.
2 Mr. Ravindra was elected at the twenty-fourth Meeting of States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea to fill the vacancy due to the resignation of Mr.Sivaramakrishnan Rajan.

Officers of the Commission


    Mr. Lawrence Folajimi Awosika


    Messrs. Carrera, Glumov, Park and Roest

Subsidiary bodies:

  • Committee on Confidentiality

            Members: Messrs. Heinesen, Kalngui, Marques, Park and Uscinowicz

            The Committee  elected Mr. Park as Chairperson and Messrs. Kalngui and Marques as Vice-Chairpersons.

  • Committee on provision of scientific and technical advice to coastal States

            Members: Messrs. Glumov, Haworth, Oduro, Paterlini and Urabe.

            The Committee elected Mr. Urabe as Chairperson and Messrs. Haworth and Paterlini as Vice-Chairpersons.

  • Editorial Committee (open-ended)

            Messrs. Awosika, Carrera, Glumov, Haworth, Heinesen, Madon, Marques, Oduro, Park, Paterlini, Roest, and Urabe form the core group of that Committee which has an open-ended membership. The Committee elected Mr. Haworth as its Chairperson and Messrs Charles and Paterlini as Vice-Chairpersons.

  • Training Committee (open-ended)

            Messrs. Awosika, Carrera, Charles, Haworth, Heinesen, Jaoshvili, Kalngui, Lu, Mahanjane, Marques, Njuguna, Oduro, Park, Paterlini and Roest form the core group of the Training Committee which has an open-ended membership. The Committee elected Mr. Carrera as its Chairperson and Messrs Park and Roest as Vice-Chairpersons.



    On 14 and 15 June 2007, the Seventeenth Meeting of States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea elected 21 members of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf for a term of five years, commencing from 16 June 2007. These members were:



(elected on 14 and 15 June 2007 for a term of five years (2007 - 2012), commencing from 16 June 2007

Name Nationality
[Albuquerque, Alexandre Tagore Medeiros de - passed away on 29 March 2012]* (Brazil)
Astiz, Osvaldo Pedro  (Argentina)
Awosika, Lawrence Folajimi (Nigeria)
Brekke, Harald (Norway)
Carrera Hurtado, Galo (Mexico)
Charles, Francis L. (Trinidad and Tobago)
Croker, Peter F. (Ireland)
Fagoonee, Indurlall (Mauritius)
German, Mihai Silviu (Romania)
Jaafar, Abu Bakar (Malaysia)
Jaoshvili, George (Georgia)
Kalngui, Emmanuel (Cameroon)
Kazmin, Yuri Borisovitch (Russian Federation)
Lu, Wenzheng (China)
Oduro, Isaac Owusu (Ghana)
Park, Yong-Ahn  (Republic of Korea)
Pimentel, Fernando Manuel Maia (Portugal)
Rajan, Sivaramakrishnan (India)
Rosette, Michael Anselme Marc (Seychelles)
Symonds, Philip Alexander  (Australia)
[Tamaki, Kensaku - passed away on 5 April 2011]* (Japan)
Urabe, Tetsuro [elected on 11 August 2011 for the remainder of Mr. Tamaki's term of office] (Japan)
Note: The curricula vitae of the candidates have been circulated in document .

Officers of the Commission 2009-2012

Chair: Galo Carrera Hurtado (elected on 9 April 2012 for the rest of Mr. Albuquerque's term of office)

 Vice-Chairs: Lawrence Folajimi Awosika, Harald Brekke, Yuri Borisovitch Kazmin, Yong-Ahn Park.

Subsidiary bodies:

  • Committee on Confidentiality

At its twentieth session, the Commission appointed Messrs. Astiz, Croker, Kazmin, Rosette and [Tamaki]* to the Committee on Confidentiality. The Committee elected Mr. Croker as Chair and Messrs. Rosette and [Tamaki]* as Vice-Chairs. At its twenty-eighth session, the Commission appointed Mr. Urabe as member of the Committee.

  • Committee on provision of scientific and technical advice to coastal States

At its twentieth session, the Commission appointed Messrs. Charles, German, Kalngui, Rajan and Symonds to the Standing Committee on provision of scientific and technical advice to coastal States. The Committee elected Mr. Symonds as Chair and Messrs. Kalngui and Rajan as Vice-Chairs.

  • Editorial Committee (open-ended)

The Editorial Committee has open-ended membership. Nevertheless, at its twentieth session, the Commission decided that Messrs. [Albuquerque]*, Astiz, Awosika, Carrera, Charles, Croker, Jaafar, Kalngui, Kazmin, Lu, Oduro, Park, Rajan and Rosette would form the core group of the Editorial Committee. The Committee elected Mr. Jaafar as Chair and Messrs. Croker and Rajan as Vice-Chairs.

  • Training Committee (open-ended)

The Training Committee has open-ended membership. Nevertheless, at its twentieth session, the Commission decided that Messrs. Awosika, Brekke, Carrera, Charles, German, Kalngui, Oduro, Park, Rosette and [Tamaki]* would form the core group of the Training Committee. The Committee elected Mr. Carrera as Chair and Messrs. Oduro and Park as Vice-Chairs.



  On 23 April 2002, the Twelfth Meeting of States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea elected 21 members of the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf for a term of five years, commencing from 16 June 2002. These members were:


elected on 23 April 2002 for a term of five years (2002 - 2007), commencing from 16 June 2002 and ending on 15 June 2007

Name Nationality
Al-Azri, Hilal Mohamed Sultan (Oman)
Albuquerque, Alexandre Tagore Medeiros de (Brazil)
Astiz, Osvaldo Pedro  (Argentina)
Awosika, Lawrence Folajimi (Nigeria)
Betah, Samuel Sona (Cameroon)
Brekke, Harald (Norway)
Carrera Hurtado, Galo (Mexico)
Croker, Peter F. (Ireland)
Fagoonee, Indurlall (Mauritius)
Francis, Noel Newton St. Claver (Jamaica)
German, Mihai Silviu (Romania)
Jaafar, Abu Bakar (Malaysia)
Juračić, Mladen (Croatia)
Kazmin, Yuri Borisovitch (Russian Federation)
Lu, Wenzheng (China)
Park, Yong-Ahn (Republic of Korea)
Pimentel, Fernando Manuel Maia (Portugal)
Symonds, Philip Alexander (Australia)
Tamaki, Kensaku (Japan)
Thakur, Naresh Kumar (India)
Woeledji, Yao Ubuènalè (Togo)
Note: The curricula vitae of the candidates have been circulated in document .

Officers of the Commission 2004-2007

    At its fourteenth session, held at United Nations Headquarters in New York, from  30 August to 3 September  2004, the Commission reelected Peter Croker as its Chair.

    The Commission also elected Messrs. Francis, Juračić, Park, and Woeledji as Vice-Chairs.

    Their term of office commences in December 2004 and expires in June 2007.

 It is recalled that, at its eleventh session, held at United Nations Headquarters in New York, from  24 to 28 June 2002, the Commission had elected Peter Croker as its Chair.

 It further recalled that at the eleventh session, the Commission had elected three Vice-Chairs, Osvaldo Pedro Astiz, Lawrence Folajimi Awosika and Mladen Juracic, and the Rapporteur, Yong-Ahn Park. All officers had been elected to a term of two and a half years.

Subsidiary bodies: 2004-2007

Committee on Confidentiality

At its eleventh session, the Commission had appointed the following members to the Committee on Confidentiality: Osvaldo Pedro Astiz, Samuel Sona Betah, Harald Brekke, Abu Bakar Jaafar and Yuri Borisovitch Kazmin.

During the fourteenth session of the Commission, the Committee met briefly on 3 September 2004 and re-elected Mr. Jaafar as Chair, and Mr. Astiz and Mr. Brekke as Vice-Chairs.

It is recalled that, at the eleventh session of the Commission, the Committee had elected Mr. Jaafar as Chair, Mr. Brekke as Vice-Chair and Mr. Astiz as Rapporteur.

Committee on provision of scientific and technical advice to coastal States

At its eleventh session, the Commission had also appointed the following as members of the Standing Committee on provision of scientific and technical advice to coastal States: Lawrence Folajimi Awosika, Noel Newton St. Claver Francis, Mihai Silviu German, Philip Alexander Symonds and Kensaku Tamaki.

During the fourteenth session of the Commission, a brief meeting of the Committee was held on 3 September 2004, during which it proceeded with the election of its Chair and other officers. The Committee re-elected Mr. Symonds as Chair, and Mr. Awosika and Mr. Tamaki as Vice-Chairs.

It is recalled that, at the eleventh session of the Commission, the Committee had elected Mr. Symonds as Chair, Mr. Tamaki as Vice-Chair and Mr. Awosika as Rapporteur.

Editorial Committee (open-ended)

During the fourteenth session of the Commission, Mr. Fagoonee was elected Chair of the Editorial Committee for the next two-and-a-half-years.

 It is recalled that, at its eleventh session, the Editorial Committee had elected Harald Brekke as Chair.

Training Committee (open-ended)

During the fourteenth session of the Commission, Mr. Brekke was elected Chair of the Training Committee for the next two-and-a-half-years.

It is recalled that, at its eleventh session, the Training Committee had elected Indurlall Fagoonee as Chair.

First membership of the Commission - 1997-2002

 Twenty-eight candidates for membership to the Commission were nominated by States Parties for the first election, which took place at the Sixth Meeting of States Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (New York, 10 - 14 March 1997). The election was conducted in accordance with article 2, paragraph 3, of Annex II to the Convention (see document SPLOS/20).

    On 13 March 1997, the 21 members of the Commission were elected for a term of five years and began their term of office on the date of the first meeting of the Commission - 16 June 1997. On that date, each of them made a solemn declaration to perform his duties as a member of the Commission honourably, faithfully, impartially and conscientiously. The members of the Commission may be re-elected in accordance with Annex II, article 2(4) of the Convention.


(elected for a term of five years (1997 - 2002)

  Name Nationality
  Mr. Alexandre Tagore Medeiros de Albuquerque Brazil
  Mr. Osvaldo Pedro Astiz Argentina
  Mr. Lawrence F. Awosika Nigeria
  Mr. Aly Ibrahim Beltagy Egypt
  Mr. Samuel Sona Betah Cameroon
  Mr. Harald Brekke Norway
  Mr. Galo Carrera Hurtado Mexico
  Mr. André C.W. Chan Chim Yuk Mauritius
  Mr. Peter F. Croker Ireland
  Mr. Noel Newton St. Claver Francis Jamaica
  Mr. Kazuchika Hamuro Japan
  Mr. Karl H.F. Hinz Germany
  Mr. A. Bakar Jaafar Malaysia
  Mr. Mladen Juracic Croatia
  Mr. Yuri Borisovitch Kazmin Russian Federation
  Mr. Iain C. Lamont New Zealand
  Mr. Wenzheng Lu China
  Mr. Chisengu Leo M'Dala Zambia
  Mr. Yong-Ahn Park Republic of Korea
  Mr. Daniel Rio France
  Mr. Krishna-Swami Ramachandran Srinivasan India
Note: The curricula vitae of the candidates have been circulated in documents and .