



  M.Z.N. 8. 1996. LOS of 21 July 1996: Deposit of a map (provisional) and of a list of geographical coordinates (straight baselines; outer limits of the territorial sea)


Relevant article of UNCLOS: 16(2)

LOSIC No. 4 and No. 9

Law of the Sea Bulletin No. 29

  M.Z.N. 16. 1997. LOS of 30 September 1997: Deposit of charts showing the straight baselines and the outer limits of the territorial sea of Finland, and the median line separating the continental shelf and fishery zones of Finland from the continental shelves and exclusive economic zones of Estonia and Sweden

Relevant articles of UNCLOS: 16(2); 75(2); 84(2)

LOSIC No. 6 and No. 9

Communications received by the Secretary-General in connection with the deposit of charts and/or lists of geographical coordinates of points



Note verbale dated 22 August 1997: There are no traffic separation schemes in the territorial sea.

The provisions of the Convention concerning innocent passage through the territorial sea have been incorporated in the internal legislation of Finland. There are no other laws or decrees concerning innocent passage.

The passage in the strait between the Åland Islands and Sweden (Ahvenanrauma) is regulated in part by a long-standing international convention in force, the regime of innocent passage in the strait has remained unchanged after the entry into force of the Convention.

Relevant articles of UNCLOS: 21(3); 22(4)


Communications received by the Secretary-General iin connection with the submission in reference to due publicity obligations




 Act on the Delimitation of the Territorial Waters of Finland, No. 463 of 18 August 1956
 Act amending the Act on the Delimitation of the Territorial Waters of Finland (981/95 of 3 March 1995, in force from 30 July 1995)
 Decree on the application of the Act on the Delimitation of the Territorial Waters of Finland  (No. 993 of 31 July 1995) 
 Law No. 149 of 5 March 1965 concerning the Continental Shelf
 Customs Act, No. 1466 of 29 December 1994
 Act on the Exclusive Economic Zone of Finland, 26 November 2004 (see Bulletin 57, p.106)
 Government Decree on the Exclusive Economic Zone of Finland, 2 December 2004 (see Bulletin 57, p.111)


Penal Code

Maritime boundary delimitation agreements
 and other material

with Estonia

 Exchange of notes constituting an agreement on the procedure to be followed in the modification of the limits of the territorial waters in the Gulf of Finland, 6 April and 4 May 1994 (entry into force:30 July 1995; registration #: 32125; registration date: 11 September 1995; )
 Agreement between the Republic of Finland and the Republic of Estonia on the Boundary of the Maritime Zones in the Gulf of Finland and on the Northern Baltic Sea, 18 October 1996 (entry into force: 7 January 1997; registration #: 33549; registration date: 20 February 1997; )

with Sweden

 Agreement between Sweden and Finland concerning the delimitation of the continental shelf in the Gulf of Bothnia, the Bothnian Sea, the Aland Sea and the northernmost part of the Baltic Sea (with Protocol and maps), 29 September 1972 (entry into force: 15 January 1973; registration #: 14443; registration date: 1 December 1975; )
 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between Finland and Sweden confirming part of the national frontier between the two States, as established in 1981, 14 June 1985 (entry into force: 14 June 1985; registration #: 23729; registration date: 31 January 1986; )
 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between Finland and Sweden confirming part of the national frontier between the two States, as established in 1981, 14 June 1985, AMENDMENT Effected by an agreement in the form of an exchange of notes, 19 June 1986 (date of effect: 1 September 1986; registration #: 23729; registration date:  13 March 1987; )
 Agreement between the Republic of Finland and the Kingdom of Sweden on the delimitation of the boundary between the continental shelf and fishery zone of Finland and the Economic Zone of Sweden in the Aland Sea and the Northern Baltic Sea (with protocol and map), 2 June 1994 (entry into force: 30 July 1995; registration #: 32126; registration date: 11 September 1995; )

withEstonia andSweden

 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Finland, the Government of the Republic of Estonia and the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden on the common maritime boundary point in the Baltic Sea, 16 January 2001 2001 (entry into force: 12 August 2001; registration #: 44411; registration date: 1 October 2007; )

with the Russian Federation

 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Finland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning the boundaries of sea areas and of the continental shelf in the Gulf of Finland, 20 May 1965 (entry into force: 25 May 1966; registration #: 8238; registration date: 6 July 1966; )
 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Finland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics concerning the boundary of the continental shelf between Finland and the Soviet Union in the north-eastern part of the Baltic Sea, 5 May 1967 (entry into force: 15 March 1968; registration #: 9157; registration date: 18 July 1968; )
 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Finland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics regarding the delimitation of the areas of Finnish and Soviet jurisdiction in the field of fishing in the Gulf of Finland and the North-eastern Part of the Baltic Sea, 25 February 1980 (entry into force: 9 July 1980; registration #: 19806; registration date: 2 June 1981; )
 Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Finland and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics regarding the delimitation of the economic zone, the fishing zone and the continental shelf in the gulf of Finland and in the North-Eastern part of the Baltic Sea, 5 February 1985 (entry into force: 24 November 1986; registration #: 24645; registration date: 13 March 1987; )


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