


A citation for a consulted source in which information is found about the 1XX heading in an established heading record. The information found in the source may also be present. Do not place a period at the end of this field unless it ends with an abbreviation, initial, etc.

The field 670 note records in subfield $a, the source of information from which the heading derives, the document symbol or title and date of publication or the source of information obtained verbally. If the information is  buried within the publication, the page or paragraph number is added. If the citation is to a website, include the date on which the website was viewed. It is customary to abbreviate familiar words, 'S-G', 'Dir.', 'org.', 'est.', 'auth.' etc.

Subfield $b may be used to record information about the 1XX heading found in the source. 

Use subfield $u to record the URL of a website from which information is obtained. It is recommended that URLs of websites likely to change should not be recorded, such as temporary sites for small working groups or meetings. 

Each additional source of information is recorded in a separate 670 note. For names of non-UN organizations or governmental bodies, it is recommended to record an additional field 670 giving an authoritative source outside the document or publication such as the website of the organization or government department, Yearbook of International Organizations, , or .

If the heading has been verified in the , this should be noted using the abbreviation "LC name auth.". If the LC established heading differs from the heading that is chosen for UNBIS, record the LC form as a cross-reference in field 4XX subfield $a, with the LC source code DLC in field 4XX subfield $5. If, however, the LC form differs only by the addition of dates to a personal name, record that form in field 670 subfield $b.

Subfield Codes

    $a - Source citation (NR).
    $b - Information found (NR).
    $u - Uniform resource identifier (NR).


670 $a [E/ESCAP/]OES/ACPR/1362

670 $a A/AC.105/C.1/L.274: p. 18

670 $a E/CN.4/2004/L.96: para. 23-26

670 $a International commercial arbitration and the courts, 2004

670 $a Intereconomics, vol. 27, no. 4 (July/Aug. 1992): p. 157

670 $a Phone call to UNDP, 23 Apr. 2004

670 $a LC name auth.

100 $a Boulton, Alistair
670 $a Promoting integration through mobility, Dec. 2007 $b
UNHCR (affiliation)
[Individual's affiliation recorded in subfield $b.]

110 $a Italy. Ministero dell'ambiente e della tutela del territorio e del mare
670 $a Its website, viewed 4 June 2007. $u http://www.minambiente.it/
[Official website of government department used as a source.]

100 $a Dignity International (Organization)
670 $a A/HRC/10/NGO/112

670 $a UN/DESA NGO database, viewed 20 Mar. 2009 $u http://www.un.org/esa/coordination/ngo/
[UN Dept of Economic and Social Affairs database of Civil Society Organizations used as an additional source.]

100 $a Ramírez Boettner, Luis Maria
670 $a LC name auth. $b Ramírez Boettner, Luis Maria, 1918-
[LC established heading includes dates]

100 $a Basso, Veronique
670 $a A/C.3/63/SR.21 $b speaker (France/European Union)
[This practice of adding subfield $b for information about individual has been discontinued except circumstances where names cannot be distinguished.]

100 $a Saito, Kaori
670 $a 
Secondary movement in Romania, Dec. 2007 $b Research Officer, UNHCR Bucharest

[This practice of adding information about individual in subfield $b discontinued except circumstances where names cannot be distinguished.]

100 $a Centre régional d'enseignement des sciences et technologies de l'espace (Rabat)
670 $a UNOOSA website, viewed 27 Aug. 2009 $u http://www.oosa.unvienna.org/oosa/en/SAP/centres/index.html#africa
[Date website viewed recorded in subfield $a; additional information obtained from website recorded in subfield $u.]

110 $a OAU
410 $a Organization of African Unity $5 DLC
670 $a LC name auth.
[Established heading form in UNBIS is "OAU"; Library of Congress established heading form is "Organization of African Unity"]

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Last updated: 31 May 2011