



Authority-controlled field.

When a UN sessional or conference document is issued under an item of the agenda for the session or meeting, the agenda information as established in an UNBIS authority record is added in field 991.

A document may be issued under multiple agenda items and/or subitems. Usually the agenda item number or numbers appear in the masthead area of the document (although the agenda document symbol does not appear).

Sometimes agenda item numbers and/or titles do not appear on the title page of documents issued for a session or meeting of a UN body or conference.  If it is evident that a document is issued under a specific agenda item even though the item number or title does not appear, add the appropriate agenda item authority record in tag 991. It may be helpful to check the agenda document, since the symbols of documents issued under specific agenda items are sometimes specified in the agenda document.

Staff should also be attentive when agenda item numbers appearing on documents do not correspond to agenda item titles, since it could be a case of an erroneous agenda item number on the document or a change to an agenda item number.

1. Agenda item title
2. Subfields:

Agenda Item Title Back to the top

The Agenda Item Title may or may not appear in the title area of the document. It usually appears in all upper-case letters above the specific document title. If the specific title on the document title page is meaningful, then it is not necessary to record the Agenda Item Title in the 245 field. If the document title is not meaningful without the Agenda Item Title, then the Agenda Item Title should be recorded in the 245 field.


245 10 $a Human rights and unilateral coercive measures : $b report of the Secretary-General
991 $a E/CN.4/2002/1 $b 10 $c Economic, social and cultural rights.
[There is a distinctive meaningful title in addition to the agenda item title, therefore the agenda item title is not entered in 245 field]

245 10 $a Economic, social and cultural rights : $b report of the Secretary-General
991 $a E/CN.4/2002/1 $b 10 $c Economic, social and cultural rights.
[There is no distinctive meaningful title in addition to the agenda item title, therefore the agenda item title is entered in 245 field]

If an Agenda Item Title and subitem title(s) appear in the title area of the document, and there is no other meaningful title, only the subitem title(s) need to be recorded in the 245 field if they are the most distinctive titles.

245 10 $a Draft amendments on the attribution of voting rights to regional economic integration organizations / $c transmitted by the European Community
991 $a [E/ECE/]TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/66 $b 8 $c Other proposals for amendments to the Convention.
991 $a [E/ECE/]TRANS/WP.30/AC.2/66 $b 8c $c Draft amendments on the attribution of voting rights to regional economic integration organizations.
[The most distinctive title is the agenda subitem title]

Each item or subitem is attached as a separate 991 field, in numerical order. For every agenda item number, a separate authority record is created consisting of the Agenda document symbol (991 subfield $a), Agenda item number (991 subfield $b), and Agenda title (991 subfield $c).

Subfields Back to the top

For documents of the General Assembly, Economic and Social Council, Security Council and Trusteeship Council, additional subfields are used
$d Agenda subject
$e Agenda action note
$fITP Heading code
$m Mainbody (of body referring to the item)
$s Session (of body referring to the item)
$z ITP RecordID

Subfield $d - Agenda subjects
Back to the top

Note: Although the Security Council does not have its own agenda, «artificial» agenda items are created to aid in searching material by topics discussed; Security Council agenda item records have subjects (subfield $d) but not titles (subfield $c). For ITP publication, some artificial agenda items are created to breakdown the agenda item in order to facilitate search by providing specific subjects. In such cases, there are no titles (subfield $c).


991 1_ $a A/64/251 $b 61b[2] $d DISABLED PERSONS $z I

991 1_ $a A/64/251 $b 39[1] $d AMERICAN SAMOA QUESTION $z I

Subfield $e - Agenda action note
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This subfield is used, when necessary, to record action taken in plenary meetings, which includes adopting draft resolutions, making decisions, President of the Security Council making statements, as well as "participation by non-Council members (without right to vote)".


991 1_ $a A/58/251 $b 117c[12] $d HUMAN RIGHTS--IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) $e At the 77th meeting, draft resolution III in A/58/508/Add.3 (originally A/C.3/58/L.69) was adopted (68-54-51): resolution 58/195 $z I0161073

991 1_ $a A/58/251 $b 117 $c Comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action $d HUMAN RIGHTS--IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) $e At the 77th meeting, the Assembly took note of the report of the 3rd Committee (A/58/508/Add.4): decision 58/540 $z I0161073

991 3_ $a S/59 $b [46] $d AFGHANISTAN SITUATION $e At the 4937th meeting, draft resolution S/2004/249 was adopted unanimously: resolution 1536 (2004) $z I0181895

991 3_ $a S/59 $b [46] $d AFGHANISTAN SITUATION $e Participation by non-Council members (without right to vote): Afghanistan $f X27 $z I0181895

991 3_ $a S/59 $b [120] $d IRAQ-KUWAIT SITUATION $e At the 4930th meeting, the President made a statement, on behalf of the Council members, in connection with prior consultations among Council members on the situation between Iraq and Kuwait: S/PRST/2004/6 $z I0181895

Subfield $f - ITP Heading Code
Back to the top

This subfield is only used in S/PVs. When State Members that are not members of the Security Council request to participate in the discussion of the Security Council and their requests are granted, ITP should reflect those State Members. In such cases, a duplicate 991 is needed for each agenda subject and additional heading code X27 in subfield $f is added to generate note: "Participation by non-Council members (without right to vote)".


991 3_ $a S/59 $b [46] $d AFGHANISTAN SITUATION $e Participation by non-Council members (without right to vote): Afghanistan $f X27 $z I0181895

Subfield $m - Mainbody (of body referring to the item)
Subfield $s - Session (of body referring to the item)
Back to the top

This subfield is used only in the situation when documents of other session are used for the current session. For example, for consideration of agenda item 120 of the 58th session, the 5th Committee had before it several documents of the 57th session. In such cases, agenda item of 58th session is added to the records of those documents and subfields $m and $s are added in tag 991 accordingly.


191 $a A/C.5/57/35 $b A/ $c 57 $9 G00
245 10 $a Conditions of service and compensation for officials, other than Secretariat officials, serving the General Assembly : $b full-time members of the International Civil Service Commission and the Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions : report of the Secretary-General
930  $a ITPA58
991 1_ $a A/58/251 $b 20 $c Programme budget for the biennium 2002-2003 $d UN-- BUDGET (2002-2003) $m A/ $s 58 $z I0177523

Subfield $z - ITP RecordID
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Required field for ITP. For UN materials for ITP, the Record ID for bibliographic records bears only capital letter «I».


991 1_ $a A/64/251 $b 61b[2] $d DISABLED PERSONS $z I

The following guideline and example shows the UNBIS practice prior to May 2010:

Sequential control number assigned manually by indexing staff. Required field for ITP. For UN materials for ITP, the Record ID for bibliographic records always starts with capital letter «I».


991 1_ $a A/58/251 $b 20 $c Programme budget for the biennium 2002-2003 $d UN--BUDGET (2002-2003) $z I0177523
[DHL Record ID for ITP publication]

Maintained by the Department of Public Information (DPI), Dag Hammarskjöld Library. Comments as well as suggestions for further additions/enhancements may be directed to the Dag Hammarskjöld Library.
© United Nations 2003-2009. All rights reserved

Last updated: 1 July 2010