This field
contains varying forms of the title of a work, whether they appear on
the item or not.
Tag 246 is
a repeatable field, so several variant forms of the title may be added.
subfields may be used in tag 246,
in the order shown:
$i Display
$a Title proper
$n Number of part or section
$p Title of part or section
$b Remainder of title
Do not place a period
at the end of field 246.
articles (The, Le, etc.) from the variant title recorded in tag 246.
When misspelled words followed by [sic] or [i.e.] are present in tag 245, consider adding a Variant Title for titles with corrected spelling. The second indicator in tag 246 is blank.
When the title of an
addendum varies significantly from the title of the main document,
consider adding a Variant Title consisting of the title of the main
document followed by the subtitle addendum. The second indicator in tag
246 is blank.
When a more complete and distinctive variant of the title recorded in tag 245 appears elsewhere than the title page, consider adding a Variant Title in tag 246. Specify the source of the Variant Title by using the correct second indicator.
Always record a Variant
Title when the first word in the title proper is a number, either
written as a numeral or spelled out, providing the other form of the
number. The second indicator in tag 246 is blank.
10 $a Family planning, fertility and
development : $b the Mexicain [sic] experience
3_ $a Family
planning, fertility and development : $b
the Mexican experience
[Title with corrected spelling recorded in tag 246]
191 $a E/CN.4/2001/64/Add.1
245 10 $a Civil and political
rights, including the question of freedom of expression : $b report :
addendum / $c submitted by Abid
Hussain, Special Rapporteur on the Protection and Promotion of the Right to
Freedom of Opionion and Expression, in accordance with Commission resolution
246 3_ $a Report of the Special
Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and
Expression, Abid Hussain, submitted in accordance with Commission resolution
2000/38 : $b addendum
[Title on E/CN.4/2001/64:
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right
to Freedom of Opinion and Expression, Abid Hussain, submitted in accordance
with Commission resolution 2000/38]
191 $a A/HRC/10/8/Add.1
245 10 $a Report of the Special
Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Asma Jahangir : $b addendum
246 3_ $i Title on p. 3: $a Report of the Special
Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Asma Jahangir, on her mission to
Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory (20 to 27 January 2008)
505 $a Mission to Israel
and the Occupied Palestinian
[A more complete and distinctive title of the report appears on p. 3]
245 10 $a Mt. Pinatubo
volcanic eruption, Philippines
: $b report of UNDRO relief assistance mission, 20 June-1 July 1991
246 3_ $a Mount
Pinatubo volcanic eruption, Philippines : $b report of
UNDRO relief assistance mission, 20 June-1 July 1991
245 10 $a Part-time employment
246 3_ $a Part-time employment
(80 percent)
It is generally not necessary to make added
title entries (246) for parallel
titles of multilingual lists of participants when the only portion of the title
that is multilingual is "List of participants" or "Provisional list of
$a TD/B/C.II/MEM.1/Misc.1
10 $a Provisional list of participants : $b United Nations Conference on Trade
and Development, Trade and Development Board, Investment, Enterprise and
Development Commission, Multi-Year Expert Meeting on Enterprise Development
Policies and Capacity-Building in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI), Geneva, 20-22 January 2009 = Liste provisoire
des participants = Lista provisional de participantes
titles are not added:
31 $a Liste provisoire des participants : $b United Nations Conference on Trade
and Development, Trade and Development Board, Investment, Enterprise and
Development Commission, Multi-Year Expert Meeting on Enterprise Development
Policies and Capacity-Building in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI), Geneva, 20-22 January 2009
31 $a Lista provisional de participantes : $b United Nations Conference on Trade
and Development, Trade and Development Board, Investment, Enterprise and
Development Commission, Multi-Year Expert Meeting on Enterprise Development
Policies and Capacity-Building in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI), Geneva, 20-22 January 2009
UNOG practice:
Consider recording a Variant Title (tag 246) when one of the first five words in the title proper is
- an Arabic or Roman numeral or spelled-out number;
- an ampersand or other symbol;
- an abbreviation
with the corresponding other version in tag 246, if it is thought that some users might reasonably search by the other form. The second indicator in the above cases is blank.
Examples (UNOG practice):
245 10 $a Basel II : $b the revised framework of June 2004
246 3_ $a Basel 2 : $b the revised framework of June 2004
246 3_ $a Basel Two : $b the revised framework of June 2004
245 10 $a Election of nine members of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination to replace those whose terms will expire…
246 3_ $a Election of 9 members of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination to replace those whose terms will expire…
UNOG practice:
If the first word is a single year or span of years in Arabic numerals, do not add tag 246 for the year spelled out (it is unlikely that users will search by the spelled-out form of years).
Example (UNOG practice):
245 10 $a 2009 competitive examination for recruitment to the Professional category…
Variant title is not added:
246 3 _ $a Two thousand nine competitive examination for recruitment to the Professional category...
For items
including several works but lacking a collective title, tag 246
is used only for titles related to the title selected as the title
proper, usually the first work named in the chief source of
information. Titles related to other works are recorded in tag 740.
Titles of
inserts, parts of an item, annexes, supplements, etc., that are
included in the item but not catalogued separately, are recorded in tag
740 (Added Entry - Uncontrolled
Related/Analytical Title).
If a variant
title begins with an article in tag 245 (The, Le,
etc.) the article is omitted in tag 246.
[Prior to Dec. 2003, variant titles for UN documents were recorded in tag 740 rather than
in tag 246]
First indicator
The value of the first indicator in tag 246 in UNBIS
is always 3.
Second indicator
The second indicator specifies what type of varying title is recorded
in tag 246 (parallel title, cover title, running
title, etc.), so it is important to record the correct indicator value. When displayed as a note, an introductory phrase will be
automatically generated based on the second indicator value. If the second indicator value is a blank ( _ ), no display phrase will be generated. See INDICATORS for a complete list and
description of indicator values.
The default second indicator value in Horizon is 1. Since
indicator value 1 displays as the phrase Parallel title, staff must be careful to change the indicator value if the variant title recorded in field 246 is
not a parallel title.
The second indicator value 2 should only be used for a single
issue of a periodical that bears a distinctive title for the issue in addition
to the title of the periodical.
If none of the display phrases generated by second
indicator values are considered appropiate, enter a blank ( _ ) as the second indicator value. An appropriate display phrase may be
recorded in subfield $i, preceding the variant title that is transcribed in subfield $a:
3_ $i Title on p. 3: $a Variant title
3_ $i Title from disk
cover: $a Variant title
3_ $i Cover and spine
title: $a Variant title
In order to display a
variant title preceded only by the field name Variant title, without specifying a particular type or source for
the title, enter a blank ( _ ) as the second indicator and enter the variant
title in subfield $a. When a variant title is simply an alternate view of
the title in tag 245 (for example, a variant title beginning with a
number spelled out when the title in tag 245 begins with a numeral),
enter a blank ( _ ) as the second indicator.
245 10 $a Journal of conflict & security law
246 3_ $a Journal
of conflict and security law
[Variant title displays, but no specific
or source of variant title is indicated]
245 10 $a Journal of East Asian studies
246 34 $a JEAS
as: Cover title: JEAS]
245 10
$a International affairs =
$b Kokusai mondai
246 31 $a Kokusai
as: Parallel title: Kokusai mondai]
245 10 $a
Journal of international relations
and development
246 37 $a JIRD
[Displays as: Running title: JIRD]
245 10 $a RIA federal tax handbook
246 38 $a Federal
tax handbook
[Displays as: Spine title: Federal tax
245 10 $a Second report of the Secretary-General on the United
Nations Mission in Côte d'Ivoire
246 3_ $a 2nd
report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Mission in Côte
[Variant title displays,
but no specific type
or source of variant title is indicated]
245 14 $a The
8th national economic and social development plan
246 3_ $a
Eighth national
economic and social development plan
title displays, but no specific type
or source of variant title is indicated]
245 10 $a
Affaire relative à la licéité de
l'emploi de la force (Yougoslavie c. Belgique). Ordannance du 2 juin
1999 =
$b Case concerning
legality of use of force (Yugoslavia v. Belgium). Order of 2 June 1999
246 31 $a Case
concerning legality of use of force (Yugoslavia v. Belgium). Order of 2
June 1999
[Displays as: Parallel title: Case
legality of use of force (Yugoslavia
v. Belgium).
Order of 2 June 1999]
245 10 $a Narcotic drugs :
$n Quarterly
supplement no. 3 = $b
³§³Ù³Ü±èéf¾±²¹²Ô³Ù²õ. $n
Supplément trimestriel no 3 = Estupefacientes. $n Suplemento
trimestral no. 3
246 31 $a ³§³Ù³Ü±èéf¾±²¹²Ô³Ù²õ.
Supplément trimestriel no 3
246 31 $a Estupefacientes.
Suplemento trimestral no. 3
[Displays as: Parallel title: ³§³Ù³Ü±èéf¾±²¹²Ô³Ù²õ.
trimestriel no 3
Parallel title:
Estupefacientes. Suplemento
trimestral no. 3]
10 $a Patriarchy and economic
246 3_ $i Cover and
spine title: $a Patriarchy
and development
[Displays as: Cover and spine title:
Patriarchy and development]
245 10 $a Women
and the world economic crisis. $n Part
1, $p The world economic crisis and
its impact on women
246 30 $a World
economic crisis and its impact on women
[Displays as: Portion of title: World economic
crisis and its impact on women]
245 10 $a Human
development report. $n 2007/2008
246 32 $a Fighting
climate change : $b human solidarity
in a divided world
[Displays as: Distinctive title: Fighting
climate change : human solidarity in a divided world]