


089 CONTENT CODE - Codes


A codes


- addresses, essays, etc.
[monographs with chapters by different authors, or collections of miscellaneous works by one author]
A03 - calendars / lists of conferences
A05 - book and non-print media reviews
use also for non-print media reviews]
A06 - dissertations
A07 - handbooks, manuals, guides
A08 - source materials (final or adopted)
[work programmes, programmes of action, rules of procedure, non-UN resolutions, laws and regulations, budgets, sets of principles, guidelines, standards, codes, contracts, constitutions, regulations, uniform rules, etc.
For texts of declarations, use A20.
For texts of treaties, use A19.
For draft source materials, use A17

A09 - comprehensive country studies
[not including bibliographies on a country]
A10 - biographical material
A12 - annual reports of corporate bodies, other than UN
[excludes 10-K reports]
A14 - industry analysis
A15 - law reports/digests/court decisions/administrative tribunal judgements
A16 - conferences, colloquia, congresses, consultations, fora, meetings, round tables, seminars, symposia, training courses, workshops, etc.
[proceedings/reports, collected papers, final acts, adopted conclusions, recommendations and outcome documents.
For draft meeting reports (UN), use B08.
For single conference papers, use A21]

A17 - source materials (draft)
[text of draft agreements, articles, codes of conduct, contracts, conventions, constitutions, declarations, laws, non-UN resolutions, principles, programmes of action, rules of procedure, terms of reference, treaties, work programmes, budgets, guidelines, standards, codes, regulations, uniform rules, etc.]

A19 - treaties, etc. (final versions)
[includes compendia as well as individual treaties, agreements, conventions. Does not include excerpts from treaties, etc.
For draft texts of treaties, use A17 instead]
A20 - declarations (multilateral)
[use for adopted multilateral declarations, official statements, communiqués adopted by UN and intergovernmental organisations, conferences, seminars or groups of three or more countries.
For draft texts of declarations, use A17 instead]
A21 - conference papers (single papers)
[In use since 25 May 2005]
[use for individual papers prepared for conferences, symposia, seminars etc., often the print versions of talks or presentations given by conference participants. Do not use for conference room papers (CRP document symbols) or procedural working papers and documents.
For collections of conference papers, use
A16 instead.
Conference papers that are substantive reports may also have

B codes Back to the top

B01 - UN resolutions and decisions
[use for adopted UN resolutions, decisions and agreed conclusions issued as individual documents or indexed analytically. Use also for documents containing adopted UN resolutions/decisions that are not issued as individual documents or indexed analytically. Do not use for compilations of adopted resolutions/decisions that are issued as individual documents or indexed analytically.
For draft resolutions and decisions, use
For non-UN resolutions, use
For decisions of UN treaty bodies on individual communications/complaints, use B25]

B02 - UN draft resolutions and decisions
B03 - UN meeting records
[SR, PV, etc. Includes compendia as well as single verbatim or summary records, transcripts of meeting records, records of testimony at meetings]
B04 - annual and sessional reports of UN commissions, committees, working groups, etc.
[use for annual and sessional reports of UN bodies (working groups, commissions, committees, etc.). Use also for annual/sessional reports of UN specialized agencies when transmitted through UN documents.
For draft annual or sessional reports, use B08.
For meeting reports, use A16.
For topical reports, use B16]

B05 - communications from national human rights institutions
B06 - Security Council veto action
[use in Security Council PV record together with B03 and B07 and in draft resolution not adopted]
B07 - UN voting (recorded)
[do not use on records for adopted resolutions and decisions]
B08 - UN draft reports
[use for draft annual and sessional reports of UN bodies, draft topical reports, or draft meeting reports. Use also for draft annual/sessional reports of UN specialized agencies when transmitted through UN documents]
B09 - UN development projects and country programmes
[use for UN technical cooperation project reports]
B10 - UN terms of reference
[for draft terms of reference, use A17]
B11 - UN maps
[use when official UN maps are included in documents]
B12 - UN administrative issuances
B13 - UN sales publications
B14 - periodic reports of States parties to UN treaties, agreements
B15 - letters, note verbales of the UN Secretary-General
[for reports of the Secretary-General, use B15 together with B16]

B16 - reports and studies
[do not use for annual, sessional or conference reports of UN bodies.
For annual or sessional reports of UN bodies,
use B04.
For conference reports, use A16.
For draft reports, use B08.
For periodic reports of States parties to treaties, use B14]

B17 - statements by Presidents of UN bodies
[e.g. Security Council]
B18 - letters and note verbales
for letters and note verbales of the Secretary-General, use B15]
B19 - miscellaneous documents
[use also for notes and other statements of the Secretary-General.
Use only if no other Content Code is appropriate, with the exception of corrigendum documents. In case of a corrigendum document, use B19 in addition to the Code(s) on the original document. In all other cases, B19 should not be used in addition to another 089 Content Code in the same record]
B20 - SG statements in Press releases
[SG/SM series]
B21 - NGO written statements
B22 - speech index record
B23 - voting record
B24 - UN treaty bodies: Concluding observations/recommendations
[use also for States' comments on concluding observations]
B25 - UN treaty bodies: Jurisprudence on individual cases
[adopted decisions, views and opinions on communications/complaints]
B26 - UN treaty bodies: General comments
B27 - UN treaty bodies: Lists of issues and questions
[use also for States' replies to lists of issues and questions]

C codes Back to the top

C01 - government documents, publications
[all levels]
C02 - intergovernment only
[not UN or specialized agencies]
C03 - UN documents (contained in non-UN publications)
C08 - specialized agencies, including GATT and IAEA and their affiliated bodies
[includes UN specialized agency sponsorship]

Maintained by the Department of Public Information (DPI), Dag Hammarskjöld Library.
Comments as well as suggestions for further additions/enhancements may be
directed to the Dag Hammarskjöld Library.
© United Nations 2003-2009. All rights reserved

Last updated: 11 September 2009