ࡱ>  bjbj c]*,),)6 6 777dt7t7t7$84X9t7gU`4<4<J<J<<b?j?,?TTTTTTT$Xy[bTQ7@"?@b?@@T66J<<z!UFFF@6RJ<^7<:SpF@TFFR@P6"R<~ч@4Q&S7U0gUQ[tA[<R[7RF@@@TTF@@@gU@@@@[@@@@@@@@@,) L5:  TENTH FUNDING ROUND PROJECT DOCUMENT GUIDELINES AND TEMPLATES These guidelines are for civil society organizations (CSOs) whose proposals have been short listed for UNDEFs Tenth Round of Funding. Inclusion in the short list does not in itself mean that a project proposal will be funded. CSOs must now proceed to the next stage of the selection process: preparing a detailed project document (PD). Only upon the successful negotiation of a PD will the proposed project be formally approved for UNDEF funding. How to use these guidelines: These guidelines function as a template for the actual PD. Detailed instructions for each section have been provided in blue italics. Once you have completed each section by inserting the required information, please remove all text in blue italics. All regular text in black must be retained, and should not be modified in any way. The PD should be completed and sent to UNDEF within 1 month after receiving the notification of the short listing of the proposal. Failure to comply with this deadline may result in removal from the short list. The PD and all required annexes must be in English or French, the official working languages of the UN Secretariat. The PD should strictly follow the structure, format and font (Times New Roman 11) used in these guidelines and the templates provided. The final PD should be no longer than 14 pages, excluding the annexes. The final PD should be complete, coherent and concise. There should be no discrepancies between the information provided in the various sections. The budget should be complete and should align with the activities and outputs described in the PD. The PD template begins on the next page. All sections must be completed. Please read carefully and comply with all instructions. PROJECT DOCUMENT COVER PAGE (Max length: 1 page) UNDEF Project Number: UDF-XXX-XX-XXX___________________ Project Title: __________________________________________ Country/Region: __________________________________________ Implementing Agency: __________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ Email and telephone: __________________________________________ Website: __________________________________________ Implementing Partner(s): 1. ________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________ Duration: 24 months (This is the default duration. The project may be completed earlier than this.) Project Start Date: (to be inserted by UNDEF) Project End Date: (to be inserted by UNDEF) Funding Round and Year of Application: Tenth Funding Round, 2015 Amount of UNDEF Grant in USD: $_________ (UNDEF M&E inclusive) This project has no funding other than the UNDEF grant. Project Summary: Summarize the projects main objectives and planned actions in 5-6 lines.  Organizational Stamp Name of Head of Implementing Agency Signature of Head of Implementing Title of Signatory, Name of Implementing Agency (Do not date) Annika Savill Executive Head, UN Democracy Fund Date This Agreement is made between the United Nations Democracy Fund, hereinafter referred to as UNDEF, and [insert name of GRANTEE], hereinafter referred to as Implementing Agency. 1. PROJECT Summary (max. length: page) Please complete all other sections first. Based on the information in other sections, particularly section 3, provide a clear and concise summary of the project that can be used in UNDEF publications and presentations. The summary should include the following: The problem(s) the project is attempting to address; The objectives and expected outcomes; The strategy that will be used to address the problem(s) and achieve the outcomes and objectives; A brief overview of the key outputs and activities; A brief mention of the project partners, if applicable. 2. CONTEXT AND PROBLEM Analysis The problem analysis should allow one to understand the logic of the projects interventions, and whether the specific activities and outputs will actually address the problems identified. Development issues/ democratic challenges Briefly (1 paragraph) mention the larger problems relevant to the project and the beneficiary communities. Detailed problem analysis (1 page) The main/focal problem addressed by the project is: State the main/focal problem addressed by the project. This should be the main problem addressed at the project level. E.g. 'Low representation and participation of women in local councils. (It should not be an overarching issue that is clearly beyond the scope of the projects interventions.) Present a more detailed analysis of the main/focal problem by describing the specific underlying causes. It might help to break these causes down into different categories, such as policy/legal constraints, institutional constraints, capacity weaknesses, and social/cultural norms. Present background facts and statistics with sources, wherever relevant. Clearly state whether these specific problems will be directly addressed by the projects activities and outputs, indirectly addressed, or not addressed by the project. (As with any development issue, there are many causal factors contributing to a particular focal problem, and the proposed project can only address a small subset of these.) Existing/past initiatives (1 paragraph) A brief description of the existing/past initiatives that have been undertaken (either by your organization or others) to address the same problems in the region. How does your project build upon this or incorporate lessons learned? 3. PROJECT OBJECTIVE, OUTCOMES AND STRATEGY Project Objective and Outcomes Sections 3 and 4 together should provide a comprehensive picture of what the project intends to do and how it intends to do it. Please note: - There should be a logical flow: the activities should lead to the outputs, which should contribute towards the outcomes, which should ultimately lead to the project objective:  - When formulating the outcomes and outputs, please focus on the circle of action and influence of the project; do not attempt to be too broad or too ambitious; - The outcomes, outputs and activities should be clearly connected to the overall strategy. Overall development goal Briefly state the overall development goal (preferably in one sentence). This is the long-term, high-level goal of the project and actually extends well beyond the scope of the project's timeline and scale of intervention. It is assumed that if the project objective and outcomes are achieved, then the project will have made some contribution towards this overall goal. E.g., Equal participation of women in political processes. Project objective Please state the project objective (preferably in one sentence). This is the medium-term objective of the project and should be selected such that considerable progress towards this objective should have been made in the two-year time frame of the project. In the hierarchy of objectives, it is below the overall goal, but at a higher level than the project outcomes. The main/focal problem and the project objective are interrelated in that the project objective seeks to directly address the main/focal problem. For example, if the focal problem is identified as being 'Low representation and participation of women in local councils then the project objective might be 'To increase representation and participation of women in local councils. Expected outcomes Please list the expected outcomes (one sentence each). These are the actual positive changes that will be brought about within the timeframe of the project. The outcomes should be realistically framed, so that they are achievable within the time frame of the project. They should logically flow up from the outputs of the project. A maximum of 3 outcomes should be sufficient for most UNDEF projects. EXAMPLE: An increased rate of participation in the creation of strategies aimed at increasing youth employment in community x. ... Project strategy (1 page) Strategic approach For those problems that will be directly/indirectly addressed by the project, please explain the strategy that will be used. This should include: An explanation of the projects approach and the different components/elements/mechanisms involved as well as a justification of why a particular approach was taken. (Please do not simply restate activities, outputs and outcomes of the project.) A clear explanation of how the strategy will directly tackle the specific problems identified in the problem analysis. An outline of the main steps of the strategy and its timeline Beneficiaries and geographic scope State the intended project beneficiaries, both direct (those who will be directly targeted by the project's activities and outputs) and indirect. Provide an approximate number for each. State the geographic scope of the project (states, provinces, districts, villages etc.), along with names and numbers (e.g the 3 districts of x, y and z, with 100 villages in each). Mention the reasons for selecting these areas (attaching a map of the target areas is helpful). Gender and marginalized/vulnerable groups Please explain in concrete terms and in relation to the project: How will the project address the concerns of women, disabled and/or other marginalized/vulnerable groups? How will it directly or indirectly benefit them? What steps will the project take to ensure inclusion of women/marginalized groups/disabled persons in the projects activities? Sustainability (max length: page) This section should: Describe how the project outcomes and impact will be sustained beyond the UNDEF funding period; Describe the activities and/or steps planned for ensuring the sustainability of the project and/or its results in the long-term; 4. PLANNED OUTPUT/ACTIVITY BY OUTCOME Outcome 1: State the outcome Briefly outline (1 paragraph.) the overall information relevant to the outcome, such as the major outputs to be produced in order to achieve the outcome, and any specific strategy details relating to these outputs (that are not already mentioned in the overall strategy section). Please provide 1-2 paragraphs per output. Output 1.1: Insert the title of the output (and quarter (s) when it will take place) An output is a tangible product/service delivered by a project to achieve expected outcomes and objectives. Outputs relate to the completion of activities. Please provide a concise but complete description of the output, mentioning the what, why, how, who, where, and when as it relates to the output. For example, if the output is a training workshop/s, please specify: The number and duration (e.g. 10 training workshops, each lasting 5 days). The number of a particular output should have a logical explanation (based on the needs of the target group, or the number of villages to be covered etc.); The content that will be covered during the workshops; The number and breakdown of participants for each workshop/s: provide a total number of participants, and a breakdown of key stakeholder groups, as necessary, e.g. 40 participants for each workshop, with 20 participants from the local government, 10 from local media groups, and 10 from local womens organizations. State the criteria/methodology for selection of key participants. When the workshop/s will take place (e.g. in quarter 4 of the project) and where. For each output, please specify the follow-up actions that will be taken after the output. For example, if the output is a training workshop/s, please provide a clear description of further actions relating to the trainees. What will they be expected to do post-training? How will they use their training? What support will the project provide? Please specify the concrete positive results expected from each output and how these will be monitored. For example, after a training workshop(s), we might want to see an increase in knowledge/capacity on a particular subject, as well as the actual application of the training by the participants. This could be measured by doing a pre- and post-survey of participants, and/or by monitoring how the training is actually put into action by the participants. If the output is an advocacy campaign, one could consider the different outputs produced during the campaign and how to measure the effectiveness and impact of those. For example, viewership/listenership numbers for TV and radio spots, audience feedback, press coverage of the campaign, etc. Specifying follow-up actions, positive results/impacts expected, and how these will be monitored, will be helpful in framing meaningful outcome indicators and targets (explained further in section 4). Please provide the same level of information for all outputs, regardless of whether they are training workshops, a media campaign, a study tour, radio programming, voter registration drives, dialogue sessions, seminars, etc.: Number, content, duration, participants, timing, location, follow-up actions, concrete results expected, and monitoring. Output 1.2, 1.3 etc: Follow instructions as above. Outcome 2: State the outcome Output 2.1, 2.2 etc: Follow instructions as above Please note that the outcomes, outputs and activities above should correspond exactly to the information in the Results Framework (Annex I) and the costs in the Excel budget. Any discrepancy or inconsistency will delay the project negotiation. 5. RISK MITIGATION (max length: page) Please carefully consider each output and outcome and the various risk factors that may cause the project to fail or fall short of its objectives. This is especially important if the project involves multiple stakeholders, implementing partners, or necessitates coordinating with government entities and navigating time-bound political processes. Please list these risk factors and describe the mitigation strategy to address these risks using the table below. Description of RiskOutputPerceived (low, medium or high)Proposed risk-mitigation measuresFailure to secure participation of some stakeholdersOutput X MediumGrantee will use its network to secure participation of stakeholders (name NGOs, platforms) Not all participants meet all criteria (e.g., gender considerations)Output XMediumWider search; look for more informants and/or national Contact Points in the region; activate the network to recruit participants.Difficulty to secure visa for participants Output XMediumRecruitment will be carried out well in advance in order to allow for slow visa procedures. In cases where visas cannot be obtained, the team will recruit participants from countries with no visa requirements.Language difficulties participants do not speak a language adequatelyOutput XLowProject team will do its best to recruit participants with solid foreign language skill OR volunteer Interpreters will be available during the activities for participants only speaking local languages Political instability Output XHighCountry X has been chosen to avoid possible political conflicts and complexities and to ensure a totally neutral environment for all participants.Difficulty to mobilize communities during religious celebrations / national holidaysOutput XHighProject timeline is taking into account that activities in Country X is slowing down. No or few activities to be implemented during this period. Difficulty to access certain area of the country due to inclement weather / rain season / state of the roadsOutput XHighProject timeline takes this aspect into account and implementation will occur in area mostly accessible year long. indirect or virtual participants dont feel ownership of the processOutput XLowProject team will specifically involve and address the virtual participants (explain how?)The internet connection is limited or not fast enough for certain activities to take placeOutput X MediumThe webinars will be recorded and participants could watch them when it is convenient.  6. OUTCOME INDICATORS, BASELINE DATA, AND TARGETS See Results Framework Annex I (Table 1.1 Indicators and Table 1.2 Work Plan) Please use table 1.1 of the Results Framework (Annex I) to fill in indicators, baseline data, targets and monitoring method. A description of required information is provided below: Outcome 1: State the outcome Indicators: Please frame at least two indicators for each outcome, using the table below. An indicator is a statement, either qualitative or quantitative, related to some aspect of the outcome, and allows us to directly measure progress towards achieving the outcome. It must be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound (SMART). It is helpful to adopt a bottom-up strategy when framing the outcome indicators: Look at the projects activities and outputs. The project strategy section should already have identified follow-up activities, expected results and impact for each of the outputs. Consider the range of positive results/impacts expected from the projects outputs. Then, frame indicators that capture the positive results/impacts of these outputs, which make the progress towards the specified outcome clear. Some major outputs (e.g. a nation-wide advocacy campaign) might lead to one or two indicators arising from that one output alone. In other cases, the positive results/impacts of a number of separate outputs (e.g. a series of training courses) might be captured within the same indicator. Do not restate an output of the project as an indicator. The indicator must go BEYOND the level of the output/s to actually measure the positive results/impact of the output/s. For example, if the output is a national seminar, the indicator should not be national seminar held. Instead, one would need to consider the positive results/impacts arising from the national seminar, and frame an indicator to capture that. Say a project intends to conduct training for women leaders, then the training would be an output of the project. An indicator would measure the impact of the training for women leaders. For example, it might look at community-level outreach activities conducted by trainees or participation in political forums by the trainees etc. Baseline: Please provide brief and relevant baseline data for each indicator. Baseline data can be quantitative (number, percentage, ratio etc.) or, where these numbers are not readily available or not appropriate, qualitative (a short assessment of the specific situation). The Implementing Agency is responsible for collecting baseline data prior to the commencement of the project. Data should relate specifically to the current baseline situation of the actual beneficiary communities in the context of the projects activities and outputs. Such data provide a measurable way of looking at the specific situation in place at the projects inception, and are essential in order to establish a foundation for measuring the projects performance and impact. UNDEF expects the Implementing Agency to already possess good and relevant baseline data for the project. The majority of the baseline data should already be included in the draft project document. In certain cases, it might be necessary to collect some additional data. If so, please indicate the type of data and how it will be collected. Target: Each indicator should have a target level of change in keeping with the expected timeframe of the project cycle (2 years). For example, if the indicator is % of women parliamentarians in 2015 and the baseline is 12% (2012). Then the target might be 20 % (2015). Targets should also be SMART. Monitoring: Please describe how the indicator and target will be monitored and what sources will be used. For example, if an indicator relates to increased dialogue between indigenous leaders and local government representatives at local council meetings, then the monitoring might involve sending observers to local council meetings, reviewing attendance and the meeting minutes for evidence of increased dialogue, collecting feedback from participants after the meetings, monitoring media coverage of the meetings etc. Please note: Each outcome should have at least 2 indicators. Indicators and targets should not merely restate outputs, but should go beyond the outputs to look at the positive results/impacts expected from the outputs Indicators and targets must relate to some aspect of the outcome and should directly indicate progress towards the achievement of the outcome. They should not be larger in scope than the outcome itself. The indicator, baseline and target should be coherent with each other (i.e. they should be related to the same aspect under consideration). 7. Management Arrangements AND contributions a) Management Arrangements Implementing Agency: This section should describe in detail the project management arrangements and responsibilities within the Implementing Agency. Briefly: When, where and by whom was the Grantee organization created? Explain briefly the history and experiences/track-record of the implementing agency in the proposed field (one paragraph) Clarify the responsibilities for delivering the various activities/outputs mentioned in section 4 and in the Work Plan (Annex I). Please list the positions of all project personnel (staff from your organization) involved in the implementation of the project, and describe their roles and responsibilities. For part-time personnel, indicate the percentage of time allocated to the project. If known, indicate the names of project management personnel. Ensure that all staff positions mentioned in the budget are included here, and make sure to use the same titles here and in the budget sheet. For all personnel involved in the project but NOT mentioned in the budget sheet, please include a statement here that their costs will be covered by the Implementing Agency. The Implementing Agency will be responsible for contracts with any Implementing Partner(s) or individuals involved in the project. The Implementing Agency will be responsible for managing any financial disbursements to the Implementing Partner(s) or individuals as per implementation arrangements or payment schedules concluded between them. UNDEF does not consider that it has any formal relationship with project partners. All such payment arrangements need to be noted in the project document at the outset of the project. Contract(s): Please clearly list all consultants/contracts, the related responsibilities/outputs expected, and the duration/number of days for each contract/consultancy. Please ensure consistency with the strategy/output description in section 3 and the Excel budget. The Implementing Agency must make sure to provide UNDEF with written confirmation from each Implementing Partner, as described below. The Implementing Agency has provided UNDEF with written confirmation from the Implementing Partners stating that the Implementing Partners understand and concur with the roles and responsibilities allocated to them within the project, and agree to assume these roles and responsibilities. The Implementing Agency will also be responsible for obtaining the signature of each sub-grantee on the Legal Commitments (Annex IV). Implementing Partners: Please explain why each Implementing Partner was chosen; briefly list their relevant experience and their ability to deliver their assigned responsibilities. (Max 1 paragraph per Implementing Partner) Also provide the same information as requested for the Implementing Agency above. The intention to identify and work with additional Implementing Partners after the project document negotiation has been completed should also be indicated. Details of these additional Implementing Partners should be communicated to UNDEF at a later date. An organizational chart might be helpful in depicting the management arrangements. In Annex III, please provide contact information for the Implementing Agency and Implementing Partners. b) Contributions Please indicate any in-kind contributions to the project by the Implementing Agency or Implementing Partners. UNDEF does not accept co-financing from other donors. This project has no funding other than the UNDEF grant. 8. Budget The budget per output is provided in the Results Framework (Annex I). The detailed project budget is attached as Annex II. Please note that changes to this approved project budget require prior UNDEF approval. Financial reallocations made without prior UNDEF approval will not be accepted, and the funds may have to be reimbursed to UNDEF. Please prepare the project budget using the Excel budget template, and submit it as a separate Excel file. The Excel budget template is available at: http://www.un.org/democracyfund/information-grantees Once the Excel budget is approved, UNDEF will scan and insert it as Annex II to the project document. UNDEF has notified the Implementing Agency of the approved grant amount. Please note that the total UNDEF grant amount is broken down as follows: EXAMPLE Total Project Cost: US $180,000 M&E Cost: US $20,000 Total UNDEF Grant: US $200,000 When preparing the Excel budget, please note: UNDEF funds projects, not CSOs, and expects the bulk of the grant to be used for project delivery. As far as budget allocations are concerned, UNDEF anticipates that salaries (budget items 1 (a) and (b) of the budget template) would be a very modest component (up to 15%) in relation to the other budget items. Other support costs such as office rent and office related costs (e.g. utilities, bank fees and charges, phone/internet etc.) (item 6(b) and 6(d) of the budget template) should also be a very modest component (up to 5%) of the budget. The total grant award should be exactly as specified by UNDEF, and the project cost and M&E should be calculated as shown above. Please note that UNDEF prefers the use of local expertize/resources over international, when they are available. DO NOT MODIFY the Excel budget template, budget line headings, or formulas in any way. UNDEF cannot accept budgets in incorrect/modified templates. Units and quantities have to be clearly specified for each and every budget line, as in the Excel template example. The number, title and duration for staff and consultants/contracts should be consistent with information in the narrative part of the Project Document. Costs under Travel should include travel by the project management team, travel costs such as transportation and accommodation for consultants and participants to activities. The project budget should be coherent with activities/outputs mentioned in the Project Document (PD) and Results Framework. Conversely, all outputs/activities in the budget should be clearly explained in the PD and included in the Results Framework. For each budget item, please indicate the related output number, as found in section 4 of the PD. For example, if section 4 of the PD mentions a training workshop as output 2.3, then all costs listed in the budget for this training workshop should include the output number 2.3. Equipment costs should be reasonable and justified. If the project requires significant equipment costs, these should be explained under the relevant output description in the strategy (section 4) in the PD. The project may be asked to provide proof of cost estimates. UNDEF does not normally approve the purchase of vehicles. Project team travel costs should be reasonable and justified. Please explain these costs under Monitoring (section 4 of the budget template). Please ensure that audit costs are included in the General Operating and Other Direct Costs section (section 6.c of the budget template). Each milestone column should have an audit cost included (to cover the preparation of Financial Utilization Reports after the completion of milestones 2 and 3, as well as the final audit). Budgets that are incomplete, inconsistent with the PD or not in the right format will delay approval of the project document In order to calculate the Milestone columns: Please select a specific milestone 2 and milestone 3 event and decide: If, for example, milestone 2 is set to occur in month 8, and milestone 3 is set to occur in month 16: The M1 column should include all costs that will occur from month 1 through the end of month 8. The M2 column should include all costs that will occur from month 9 through the end of month 16. The M3 column should include all costs that will occur from month 17 through month 24. (The above is an example. The timing of the milestones will depend on each individual project.) Please thoroughly check that the division of costs among M1, M2 and M3 is in line with the timing of activities/outputs as described in the Project Document and the Results Framework. 9. Milestones and Disbursement Schedule You will receive the grant in 3 tranches, linked to project milestones. A milestone is a significant and observable activity such as the holding of a national seminar, the publication of a manual, or the launching of a specific process or product. Project milestones will be monitored by an independent entity appointed by UNDEF. In line with the project strategy, please complete the Results Framework table first (Annex I). Then, select suitable milestone activities and include them in the table below. Most projects will have four milestones: - Milestone 1 is always the signing of the finalized project document - Milestone 2: A significant, observable activity taking place in the 1st year of the project (e.g. month 8) - Milestone 3: A significant, observable activity taking place in the 2nd year of the project (e.g. month 16) - Milestone 4 is the submission of the final narrative and financial reports. (The 4th tranche will be retained by UNDEF for monitoring and evaluation costs. It will not be disbursed to the Implementing Agency.) Note the month in which each milestone is planned. After you have completed the Results Framework and the Excel budget, you will know what the tranche amounts are for milestones 1, 2, and 3 (sees section 8). Insert these amounts in the table below. UNDEF prefers that these tranche amounts be reasonably balanced (e.g. about 30% each) unless there is a good reason to vary this. The grant will be disbursed in 3 tranches, following the disbursement schedule below. The first tranche of the grant will be disbursed once the project document has been signed. Release of the second and third tranches will be contingent upon: The successful completion of project milestones 2 and 3, respectively The successful monitoring of the above milestones by an UNDEF-designated monitor. The submission of an audited Financial Utilization Report to UNDEF, following milestone 2 and 3, by the Implementing Agency (certified by the external independent auditor identified in the project document) and reflecting the amount spent to date. Expenditure of at least 70% of the previous tranche/s Funds will not be released if the project has any overdue narrative or financial reports of any kind, or if the project has failed to follow the UNDEF visibility guidelines noted in section 9b. Disbursement table MilestoneAmountDate1) Project document signature_________US$Month 1e.g. 2) Completion of the 30th Training of Trainers (TOT) programs in 5 project districts. (Indicated output number, e.g. Output 1.2) _________US$Month 8e.g. 3) Completion of the 40th Linkage workshops in 5 project districts (Output 2.2)_________US$Month 164) Final Report (including certified financial statements)10% of the grant in US$ (retained by UNDEF for monitoring and evaluation)Month 25 Monitoring and evaluation costs (10% of total project costs) will be retained by UNDEF. This amount will not be disbursed to the Implementing Agency. The Implementing Agency is not authorized to incur any costs against this amount, unless directed by UNDEF. It is the Implementing Agencys responsibility to choose carefully the milestones dates and tranche amounts and to ensure that an appropriate amount of money is available to carry out the planned activities between two milestones. Any change in the project schedule which would affect the milestone dates will be notified to UNDEF as soon as possible and well before the next scheduled milestone, to make it possible to discuss alternatives. Once the PD is approved by UNDEF, the grantee will be required to provide bank details in order to enable the disbursement of the grant. The bank account must be in the name of the Implementing Agency. UNDEF strongly encourages the designation of a separate account (in US dollar if possible). If the Implementing Agency designates a non-US bank account, the Implementing Agency will be responsible for absorbing any and all differences resulting from fluctuations in the exchange rate. The Implementing Agency has provided complete and correct bank details to UNDEF. The Implementing Agency will inform UNDEF promptly of any changes to its banking details. Failure to do so will cause significant delays in disbursement, and might cause funds to be misrouted. The Implementing Agency will be accountable for any delays or misrouted funds due to incorrect banking information provided by the Implementing Agency. 10. Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation* a) Monitoring The Implementing Agency undertakes to monitor all project activities and outputs. The Implementing Agency also commits to monitoring the results, outcomes, and impacts of the project. The focal point for monitoring will be [insert name and title]. (Max 1/2 page) Please describe the general monitoring strategy of the project and the institutional arrangements made for monitoring (e.g. monitoring team, monitoring schedule, updates to management etc.). Indicator/target monitoring is already included in the Results Framework (Annex I). Please consider if there are additional indirect ways of monitoring project impact and describe these here. Justify travel costs listed in the budget in this section. UNDEF will appoint an observer to monitor project milestones 2 and 3. This person or entity will bear no responsibility for any aspect of implementation of the project. For this purpose, the Implementing Agency will submit to UNDEF, two months in advance, detailed information on the milestone (date, venue, event title, agenda) so that UNDEF can arrange the monitoring visit. The Implementing Agency will do everything possible to assist and cooperate with the UNDEF-appointed observer. There is a statement under the Legal Commitments (Annex IV) to this effect. b) Narrative and Financial Reporting When sending the project document, the Implementing Agency must also provide: Annual reports on the Implementing Agencys activities for the last two (2) years. Operating budgets and audited financial statements for the last two (2) years; A letter from the projects external auditor stating that the Implementing Agency has the requisite financial systems, internal controls and capability to manage project funds. The text of the required Auditors Letter is attached in Annex V. At the time of submission, the auditor must also provide membership details of a national or regional audit association, OR the name and contact information of at least two major clients. It is the Implementing Agencys responsibility to meet all UNDEF reporting requirements. The point of contact within the Implementing Agency responsible for submitting all reports to UNDEF is [insert name and title]. The Implementing Agency will submit a Mid-Term Progress Report, a Final Narrative Report, audited financial reports, and other reports as may be notified by UNDEF. These reports will be in the required UNDEF template, either in English or French, the official working languages of the UN Secretariat. The Implementing Agency is responsible for reading and following UNDEFs 10th Round Monitoring and Reporting Guidelines, available on UNDEFs website. Three (3) financial reports, certified by an independent auditor, will be submitted to UNDEF by the designated auditor directly during the project implementation period: within two weeks after milestone 2 and after milestone 3 and also at the end of the project. All reports will be submitted in the required UNDEF format. The financial reports will reflect the cumulative amount spent to date. The designated independent auditor shall review and certify the expenditures against the agreed budget and the cumulative disbursed amounts from UNDEF. At the end of the project, the Implementing Agency will submit a full audit report of the project along with the certified final financial utilization report. Those documents will have to be sent to UNDEF directly by the designated auditor (and not by the Implementing Agency). Certification costs for the three required financial reports and for the Audit report are included in the project budget. UNDEF may request the Implementing Agency to select a different external certified accountant if deemed necessary. The external, independent entity responsible for the certification of reports and the final project audit is [insert name of auditor identified in Auditor letter Annex V]. c) Evaluation UNDEF is responsible for devising the final project evaluation modality, and will inform the Implementing Agency if a project evaluation is to be conducted. The Implementing Agency is required to take all necessary measures to facilitate evaluation as and when required by UNDEF or its designated third party. Should an evaluation be conducted, the final evaluation report will be published on the UNDEF website. 10% of the total grant amount (up to a maximum of US$ 25,000) will be retained by UNDEF to pay for external monitoring and evaluation costs. This amount will not be disbursed to the Implementing Agency. d) Branding & Visibility The implementing agency commits to featuring the project and naming UNDEF as a donor in all outreach materials associated with the UNDEF-funded project, including banners, signs, written materials and publications, as well as on its website. To conform to UNDEF visibility guidelines, the implementing agency will post an announcement on its website home page at the beginning of the project stating that implementing agencyhas launched a new project named"[insert the title of the project]", funded by Ϲ Democracy Fund. The announcement should include a brief description of the project which: is posted prominently on a page easy to find (such as under "Donors" or "Projects" or "Programmes") features a brief summary of one or two paragraphs describing the project, not just the name of the project; includes the UNDEF logo; includes a photograph of a group activity, scene or scenery related to the project theme/location or for new projects that do not yet have photos of project activities, a photo of your team, or of the one of the places/towns where the project will operate. All material prepared by the project might be used by UNDEF for the purpose of supporting the development of new initiatives. The grantee agrees that this material might be posted on the UNDEF website as examples. 11. Legal Commitments All project documents must contain the set of legal commitments outlined in Annex IV. These commitments cannot be modified. 12. Checklist Once you have finalized your project document, please check the following: Did you ensure that you have included all the required information in line with these guidelines? Did you include all 5 required annexes? Annex I: Results Framework Annex II: Project Budget (see separate EXCEL template) Annex III: Contact Information Annex IV: Legal Commitment for CSOs Annex V: Auditors Letter Did you delete all instructions in blue italics? Did you retain all the required text in black? Did you identify and include clear milestones and tranche amounts? Do the Results Framework and Excel budgets add up to the UNDEF grant amount and are they consistent with each other? Did you include your organizations Annual Reports and audited financial statements for the last two years? Did you include written confirmation from the Implementing Partners? Did you include membership details of a national or regional audit association for the projects external auditor OR the name and contact information of at least two clients? ANNEX I: RESULTS FRAMEWORK (Sample) The Results Framework aims to provide a detailed, logical, chronological and organized picture of the project design. It is the detailed roadmap of the project implementation. It serves as a brief summary of sections 3 and 4 of PD, and the information contained in the Results Framework should correspond exactly to that in sections 3 and 4. Any discrepancy or inconsistency will delay the project negotiation. The budget figures should be consistent with the Excel project budget provided in Annex II. The timing of the activities and outputs in the Results Framework will be used to determine the funding required for milestones 1, 2 and 3 (see section 9 on how to calculate the milestone amounts). The output costs should add up to the Total Project Cost. The Total Project Cost, UNDEF M&E, and Total UNDEF Grant should match the amounts in the Excel project budget (Annex II). The UNDEF M&E amount will be retained by UNDEF. The templates below include generic examples in order to illustrate the type of information required. Please remove the sample information and fill in this template with the relevant information as pertains to your project. 1.1 OUTCOME INDICATORS, BASELINE DATA AND TARGETS  1.2 WORK PLAN OutputsKey ActivitiesMilestoneTimeframe (2 years 8 quarters)Responsible PartyBudget per output (rounded to the nearest $500)Q1Q2Q3Q4Q5Q6Q7Q8Outputs for Outcome 1: State the outcome (exactly as mentioned in Section 3 above)1.1 Please insert exact text for the outputs from section 4 e.g. A comprehensive baseline survey and needs assessment produced on civic awareness among indigenous populations in the 5 project districts.1.1.1 Design format and content of baseline survey/needs assessment. Briefly list the key activities that will be undertaken. It should be clear exactly what actions will be taken, in what sequence, in order to produce the output. Make sure to include follow-up actions and monitoring.xName of responsible person and organisation (Project Coordinator of Organization A) 5,000 (Costs needed to produce output, rounded to nearest $500. Should include all direct costs of output, plus a prorated portion of the salaries, travel and miscellaneous costs)1. 1.2 Conduct the baseline survey/needs assessment in 5 districts.x1.1.3 Publish assessment findings as a comprehensive report.x1.1.4 Disseminate report to key stakeholders, including CSOs and government representatives.x1.2 TOT civic awareness program conducted in 5 districts for 2500 representatives from indigenous groups and local CSOs.1.2.1 Identify key CSOs and indigenous representatives in each project district and invite them to take part in the awareness program.xOrganization A15,0001.2.2 Design training methodology, content and materials.x1.2.3 Conduct 30 TOT programs in 5 project districts.M2xxx1.2.4 Gather evaluation material and feedback from participants.xxx1.3 Cascade programs on civic awareness conducted by these trained representatives in 5 project districts for 25,000 indigenous people.1.3.1 Adapt training methodology, content and materials as needed from output 2.xOrganization B20,0001.3.2 Conduct 500 village-level civic awareness programs.xxxx1.3.3 Gather evaluation material and feedback from participants.xxxx1.4 Comprehensive database prepared on government schemes and benefits available to indigenous populations.1.4.1 Collect information on all current schemes and benefits.xOrganizations A, B and C5,0001.4.2 Design database and conduct user testing.x1.4.3 Launch comprehensive database and disseminate to relevant stakeholders, including local government, and CSOs and CBOs in project districts.x1.4.4 Collect ongoing usage statistics and feedbackxxxxxxxx1.5 Five Resource Centers established and equipped in each project district (25 centers in total).1.5.1 Procure infrastructure for resource centers and identify organizations to house the centers (CSOs, CBOs, local govt. offices).xOrganizations A, B and C50,0001.5.2 Install the database and IEC materials on civic rights and state programs in each Resource Center.x1.5.3 Select and train Resource Center managers.x1.5.4 Hold monthly orientation sessions on IEC materials and database.xxxxxxx1.5.5 Provide ongoing access and services to local indigenous populations.xxxxxxx1.5.6 Conduct ongoing feedback and evaluation of the service.xxxxxxx()()()()Outputs for Outcome 2: State the outcome (exactly as mentioned in Section 3 above)2.1 Sensitization programs on critical needs and issues of women conducted for local government representatives in each of the project districts (15 programs total).2.1.1 Design the format, content and materials for the sensitization programs, in conjunction with representatives of womens groups.xOrganizations A and B12,0002.1.2 Liaise with key stakeholders from local governments, CSOs and CBOs to ensure participation in program.x2.1.3 Conduct sensitization programs in 5 districts.xxx2.1.4 Gather evaluation material and feedback from participants.xxx2.2 Linkage workshops are held in each project district (40 workshops total) to increase dialogue between local government and womens groups.2.2.1 Design the format, content and materials for the workshops, with input from key stakeholders.xOrganization B25,0002.2.2 Liaise with key stakeholders from local governments, and womens CSOs/CBOs to ensure participation in workshops.x2.2.3 Conduct the 40 linkage workshops in 5 districts.M3xxxxx2.2.4 Gather evaluation material and feedback from participants.xxxxx2.2.5 Compile outputs of workshops as a comprehensive report on program and policy priorities for womens issues.x2.2.6 Disseminate the report to key stakeholders, including media and national government.x()()()()Outputs for Outcome 3: State the outcome (exactly as mentioned in Section 3 above)3.1 Conduct regular voter registration/education drives during the project cycle. 3.1.1 Create linkages with Electoral Office and National Planning Agency.xOrganization A12,0003.1.2 Identify areas with lowest voter registration and low ratios of voter registration centers per population x3.1.3 Conduct 6 voter education/registration drives in each project district, and set up mobile registration centers in selected areas.xxxx3.1.4 Conduct ongoing voter education and registration at Resource Centers in each district.xxxxxxxx()()()()TOTAL PROJECT COSTUS$ UNDEF Monitoring and EvaluationUS$ TOTAL UNDEF GRANTUS$  ANNEX III CONTACT INFORMATION Implementing AgencyName of Organization:Address:Telephone/Fax:Web Site:Point of contact:Provide full name and titleTelephone/Fax:Email:Skype ID:Alternate point of contactProvide full name and titleTelephone/Fax:EmailImplementing Partner(s) (if applicable)Please provide for every Implementing Partner: Name of Organization:Address:Telephone/Fax:Web Site:Point of Contact:Provide full name and titleTelephone/Fax:Email:Other donor(s) (if applicable)Please provide for every Donor:Name of Organization:Address:Telephone/Fax:Web Site:Point of Contact:Provide full name and titleTelephone/Fax:Email: ANNEX IV LEGAL COMMITMENTS FOR CSOPs Signature of this project document commits all parties to abide by the following: a. As per ECOSOC Resolution 1996/31on consultative relationship, as well as the UNDPI criteria for associated NGOs, the aims and purposes of all Implementing Agencies are in conformity with the spirit, purposes and principles of the Charter of the UN. b. The Implementing Agency agrees to undertake best efforts to ensure that none of the funds received from UNDEF are used to provide support to individuals or entities associated with terrorism and that the recipient of any amounts provided by UNDEF do not appear on the list maintained by the UN Security Council Committee established pursuant to Security Council Resolution 1267 (1999) and that this undertaking form part of any and all sub-contracts entered into by the grantee. c. The Implementing Agency does not intend to provide any type of support for any member, affiliate or representative of an organization that recommends or is apologetic of the use of violent means in political action in general and of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations in particular, as stated in the 2005 World Summit Outcome document (81). d. All CSO partners to this project are duly constituted nationally or internationally and where applicable, comply with existing national legislation regarding formal registration and public accountability. e. All CSO partners to this project have statutes or by-laws providing for a transparent process of decision-making, election of officers and members of the Board, and the CSO has authority to speak for its members through its authorized representatives identified in this project document. f. The Implementing Agency agrees to be responsible for the overall management of the project and will bear all financial and reporting responsibilities to UNDEF as per the UNDEF Monitoring and Reporting Guidelines. The Implementing Agency also agrees to be responsible for contracts and implementation arrangements with any implementing partners or individuals involved in the project. g. The Implementing Agency agrees to take all necessary measures to facilitate monitoring and evaluation as and when required by UNDEF or a third party on its behalf. h. The Implementing Agency agrees that UNDEF will appoint an agent of their choosing who amongst other things will observe and report progress on the passing of milestones and who will not be held responsible for any aspect of the project. i. All funds will be transferred from UNDEF to the designated Implementing Agency in US Dollars. Any onward payments made in currencies other than US Dollars will be determined by applying the rate of exchange in effect on the date of payment. Should there be a change in the rate of exchange prior to the full realization of the project, which may affect the ability to carry out project activities the Implementing Agency will be expected to adjust project design so as to stay within available resources. j. All financial accounts and statements shall be expressed in US Dollars. k. Changes to the approved project budget require prior UNDEF approval. Financial reallocations made without prior UNDEF approval will not be accepted, and the funds may have to be reimbursed to UNDEF. l. Any interest income attributable to the utilized portion of the grant will be credited to the project account and can be re-invested in the project. m. The Implementing Agency agrees to return the remaining balance of funds, if greater than USD1000, to UNDEF upon completion of the project. n. The Implementing Agency agrees to obtain authorization from UNDEF prior to making changes to the project activities and outputs. Should the Implementing Agency fail to do so, funds remitted for said activities and outputs may have to be returned to UNDEF. Similarly, if the Implementing Agency fails to complete project activities and outputs, funds remitted for such may have to be returned to UNDEF. o. The Implementing Agency agrees to provide financial expenditure reports and certified financial statements as per the UNDEF Monitoring and Reporting Guidelines available on the UNDEF website. p. Receipts and justification documents for project expenditures must be kept and made readily available in case of any audits. q. Assets approved and purchased under this project do not fall under the financial or managerial control of UNDEF at any stage of the project. UNDEF is not involved in their acquisition, in decisions concerning access, or in the assumption of risks associated with these assets. Consequently, the implementing agency is responsible for all financial and managerial control and accountability of these assets throughout the life cycle of the project and beyond, in accordance with its own rules. r. UNDEF reserves the right to terminate this project should, in UNDEFs view, circumstances so require. Upon termination, no further funds will be disbursed. ANNEX V AUDITORS LETTER SAMPLE Name AND LoGO of Accountant/ AUDITOR Date United Nations Democracy Fund One United Nations Plaza DC1-1300 New York NY, 10017 USA RE: NAME AND PROJECT NUMBER (UDF-XX-12-XXX) This is to certify that UNDEF grant recipient, NAME, has internal controls and financial systems in place that are generally adequate to control the receipts and disbursement of project funds and to report on the use and status of these funds. The recipient also appears capable of satisfactorily implementing the project, monitoring the performance and reporting on project activities and results. Yours Sincerely, Signature and stamp Name of Accountant/Auditor Title  * For additional information on UNDEF monitoring and reporting requirements, please also read UNDEF s Monitoring and Reporting Guidelines available on UNDEF via http://www.un.org/democracyfund/information-grantees       Tenth Funding Round  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 14 Tenth Funding Round Tenth Funding Round Tenth Funding Round Outcome 1: State the outcomeIndicator 1.1: Percentage of indigenous populations aware of their rights under the new electoral administration laws.Baseline: 2013: 20% of indigenous people said they were aware of their rights (survey done by agency X). Target: By the end of the project: 70% of indigenous people aware of their rights in the 5 project districts.Monitoring: Surveys will be conducted by agency XX among sample inhabitants in the 5 project districts.Indicator 1.2: Baseline: Target: Monitoring:  Outcome 2: State the outcomeIndicator 2.1: Baseline:Target: Monitoring:Indicator 2.2: Baseline: Target: Monitoring:.....Outcome 3: State the outcome Indicator 3.1: Baseline:Target: Monitoring:.....  MACROBUTTON NoMacro [Street address][Street address]  MACROBUTTON NoMacro [City/State][City/State]? 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